Page 12 of Daddy's Little Prize (Daddy 22)
“Come out.”
“But … I’m naked.”
“I know that, but you better get used to being naked in front of me.”
He sighed. “It will be part of our talk. Now, get out here.”
She timidly walked out of the shower and stood a few feet from him.
He came to her and cupped her chin. “Baby, nothing is going to happen. I’ll never hurt you, okay? All I want to do is take care of you.”
She nodded.
“And nothing will happen between us until you’re ready or if you even want it.” He smiled. “I’ll leave you to get dressed.”
She watched him walk out and almost called him back. For what, she had no idea, but it felt like he’d taken a part of her with him, which was silly.
Alexa hurriedly dressed and then combed out her hair. She didn’t want to go through his cupboard and drawers for a blow-dryer, so she left it to dry on its own. She didn’t want to wait another moment because she had so many questions that needed to be answered before she felt she could relax.
Glancing at the bed again, she saw the two pillows. One she had used, and the other had been his. She really wished she would have known he was there, and she’d been sober to see what would have happened.
Maybe after the talk, she’d get another chance. She would just have to see.
Chapter Six
Alexa walked down the hallway toward the sound of dishes clinking together. She stopped short and watched Gavin putting eggs and toast on two plates. She pressed her hand to her stomach because she didn’t know if she’d be able to eat. Her stomach was still a little sensitive.
He turned to look at her. “Come here, honey.”
She walked toward him and gasped when he lifted her onto a stool. He must be incredibly strong to be able to lift her so effortlessly. A grimace crossed her face when he slid the plate in front of her.
“Take little bites, honey. I promise you’ll feel better.”
“Okay.” She lifted the fork and took a few tiny bites, then set her fork down to see how her stomach would deal with them or not. After she drank a bit of her juice, she took more food until she had finished. “That was good. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Why don’t you go sit on the sofa while I take care of this.”
“I can help,” she said.
“I know, but today, I can do it.”
“Oh, all right.” She walked over to the sofa, sat down, and almost groaned. It was the most comfortable piece of furniture she’d ever been on. She curled up in the corner with her legs tucked under her and waited for him. Her heart felt like it would jump out of her chest when he sat down close to her and set his hand on her feet.
Alexa couldn’t help but stare at his huge hand and guessed the strength in his one hand was stronger than her whole body. She could see the veins, tendons, muscles, and calluses, and it looked super sexy.
The thought that he was basically a stranger and he was over twice her size should have alarmed her, but instead, she felt safe with him. Safer than she could ever remember being, even when her parents were alive.
When she finally looked up, she saw him staring at her with a grin on his face. Her face burned from the blush she knew covered it.
“What were you just thinking?” he asked.
“Oh, I … I don’t want to say.” Oh, God, she’d be so embarrassed.
“Tell me anyway.”