Page 85 of Tame Me (Broken Heroes 5)
“Be my wife,” I whisper against her lips, pulling her shirt off and gently pushing her back against our bed.
“Wife?” she gasps.
“Yes, wife. Be my wife. I don’t have a ring right this second, but that doesn’t matter. I want you to be my forever, Sophie.” I lean over her body, my cock already rock hard again, ready to claim every inch of her beautiful body.
“Forever is a long time. Are you…?”
“I’m more than fucking sure. I was sure the moment I met you.”
“Then yes, make me your wife, Roman.” There’s no hesitation. She wants this—wants me—forever.
“I love you. I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it to you,” I whisper against her lips before pulling her panties down her legs. I make good on my promise, bringing her to orgasm, again and again, with my tongue, fingers, and then my cock, all while whispering mine.
Two Months Later
We sit in the waiting room of the clinic. My eyes are on my hands, the three-carat diamond ring Roman got me glittering in the light. I’ve never felt so cherished and loved in my entire life. There’s just one thing missing from my life now.
“Everything will be fine, baby,” Roman tries to soothe me, rubbing his hand along my back in circles.
“I want to give you children. I want to be more than your wife.” Tears sting my eyes. I told myself I wouldn’t cry today, but there isn’t any way around it. After having sex for months without a condom, I grew concerned. I hadn’t had a period for a long time, and with all the sex we’ve been having, a woman my age should be knocked up.
“You’re more than my wife. We’ll keep trying. I don’t care. ” Roman’s green eyes penetrate mine. He means it. He won’t give up, just like I won’t.
“Sophie,” a nurse calls from the door across the room. We get up, hand in hand, and walk over to meet her. She gives us both a smile, and we head back to the room to meet with the doctor. At the end of the day, all I want to know is what the problem is.
“Doctor Brown.” The nurse stops in the doorway of Doctor Brown’s office.
“Sophie, good to see you again. Please, come sit down.” She points to the chairs in front of her desk. We take a seat, and I try to twist my lips into a friendly smile, but I’m afraid I’m just too nervous. Roman’s hand tightens around mine.
“I’ve looked at all your test results and I’m positive I’ve figured out what the problem is.”
“It looks like one of your ovaries is not working properly, meaning it’s not producing any eggs. And unfortunately, on the other side, where your ovary seems to be functioning fine, the fallopian tube has a blockage.”
“So, what does that mean?” Roman asks, concern coating his words. “Will she be able to get pregnant?” My heart thuds into my throat. I don’t know if I want to know the answer. Will Roman despise me if I can’t have children? I tell myself he won’t, but I know he wants kids, at least some day.
“Well, here is the good news. Your uterus looks great, which means you could carry a child, and you are producing eggs in one of your ovaries. You could become pregnant through in vitro, but it would be almost impossible for you to become pregnant naturally.”
The doctor keeps talking about the process, hormonal treatments, injections, egg extraction followed by insemination, then replacing the egg inside me. She talks about all the risks that come with it and how it is a long process and most women have to try for multiple cycles. With every word she speaks, my heart sinks a little lower. I want children. I’ve always wanted to be a mother…but this? Being impregnated unnaturally in a lab?
Tears sting my eyes and slide down my face before I even realize it. I push myself up and out of the chair. I got the answer I needed, and that’s that.
“I-I can’t do this.” I barely get the words out before I start sobbing uncontrollably. I run out of the office and back out into the waiting room.
“Sophie, wait.” Roman’s voice is right behind me. With the next step I take, strong arms wrap around me from behind. I turn in his hold and bury my face into his chest.
“I’m sorry, Roman. I don’t know if I can do this. I always planned to do it naturally. I just…I want children, but not at that expense.”
“We don’t have to do any of this if you don’t want to. It’s your body, baby. You know I’ll never stop trying to put a baby inside you, though.” He winks, making the tears subside.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know there was something wrong with me…”