Page 30 of Guard Me (Broken Heroes 4)
“Yulie, I didn’t know you made late night house calls.” I joke, closing us inside.
“Well there is a pressing matter that cannot wait until morning.”
“Is that so?” I lift a brow curiously. Certainly if there was a real pressing issue Rossi would have called me, right?
“Yes, I just moved the doctor visit up. He’ll be here first thing in the morning to check out all the girls.” I didn’t miss the way Yulie looked around the room, as if he was going to find something he shouldn’t. He wasn’t here just to tell me something…he was here to investigate.
“What’s the rush?” I fold my arms across my bare chest. In fight I’d have Yulie beat ten to one. The fucker was a toothpick, a twig I could snap in half in a second.
“I need a new plaything sooner than expected. Mine… seems to have broken. Poor thing was beautiful as hell. I guess I’m just too hard on them.” A evil smile spreads across his face and I know exactly what he is saying. I force a smile, hoping he buys it.
“So that’s why I want this done tomorrow, so I can have a new toy… or two. I really hope number five will be available. I’d love to have her as my new pet. Luca told me she’s in need of breaking, and you know how good at that I am.”
My self restraint is being tested like never before. My hands twitch with a caranl need to rip his heart out of his chest and shove it down his throat. He wants Violet. My kitten. Mine. The word didn’t even exist in my mind before she came along, all I know is that I can’t let it happen. I know what he does to his girls and they never last longer than a few weeks… some only a few days.
When she goes to the auction I can at least hold on to the illusion that it’s not going to be that bad for her. Maybe the guy will just be into control and not pain. Maybe she could actually have a decent life? know it’s a long shot, but I can’t let myself think that there is no hope for her. I can’t let her go unless there is a sliver of a chance that she could come out of this dark world alive.
If Yulie takes her there is no such hope. He will use her and break her in every way imaginable until there is nothing more to break. Violet will never survive a man like him.
“So you woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me you moved up the doctor coming in, to tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I thought you’d be excited too. Maybe we both can take number five for a spin. I could see if I can get one of the men to make sure she’s used, before the check. Of course we’d have to kill him afterwards, but we don’t have to tell him that,” he snickers and slaps a hand on my back like we are old pals. All I want to do is smash his face against the wall.
“I guess I’m not that much in need,” I shrug. “I’ll make sure everything is running smoothly tomorrow and I’ll let you know which girls are available as soon as the doctor tells me.” I already know which one won’t be.
“Alright then, you have a good night then…or what’s left of it.” I walk him over to the door and open it for him. The asshole can’t leave my place quick enough.
“We’ll talk tomorrow then…don’t let me wait too long, Ivan.”
“Of course, enjoy the rest of your night as well.”
I shut the door behind him and lock the deadbolt into place. I walk back to the bedroom wondering if Violet heard any of our conversation. As soon as I pull the closet door open and see her huddled up in the furthest corner I know for a fact she heard at least some of it. She is making herself as small as she can with her arms wrapped around center. Light filters into the closet, and the look in her eyes reminds me of those of a feral cat.
“He is gone…come here.” I kneel down and hold my arms out to her. She unfolds herself and scurries across the floor on her hands and knees, taking my hands. When I help her up she looks around the room nervously.
“I won’t let him hurt you. He won’t touch you. Not unless he wants to die.” I have no fucking clue where the words come from or how I’m going to stop him, but he won’t touch her. I’ll die before I let him get to her.
She steps closer and throws her arms around me. I let my own arms incase her body and pull her to my chest, my heated blood calms at the sound of her steady heart beat. I pick her up and move her to the bed. Then I shut the lights off and climb into bed, pulling her close to my chest. This all feels normal, like we’re a normal couple, but it’s all too good to be true.