Page 32 of Protect Me (Broken Heroes 2)
The SUV comes to a stop, and without thinking, I open the passenger door. All the contents in my stomach empty onto the ground. My eyes burn, tears slipping down my cheeks. I feel a cold gun pressed into my side, halting any further movement.
My body shakes with every breath I take. My brother got himself killed gaining an easy way out, but I’m still alive, and I’m paying for his actions.
“Do you understand the consequences, Keira?” I feel his hot breath on my neck. I’m still hanging out the side of the car, my body swaying like leaves in the breeze.
“Yes. Yes, I understand.” The words come out calm, too calm, and I wonder how long it’ll be before death and I meet.
I’m alone, tired, exhausted, and above all, I am done.
“Good. Get the fuck out of my car. I’ll be back to check on you, and when I do, you better be here.” Xander gives me a shove, and I slip out of the SUV on wobbly legs.
“Oh, and don’t tell Damon about our little conversation. This one stays between you and I, sweetheart.”
My knees go weak, and I almost fall to the ground. Then he closes the door behind him, and the SUV drives off into the night, as if it was never there to begin with.
I’m back in Night Shift’s parking lot. The evil cycle continues. I’m trapped between the Rossi brothers.
With the bright street lights shining down on me, I move into the packed parking lot. I’m not sure where I’m going or what I’m going to do. I doubt my bank cards work anymore, and even if I did run away, Damon and Xander would come for me. They both threatened me, and I believe them.
I have no place to go. No place to hide. No way out of this.
There’s only one thing to do.
A choice must be made.
And it will be the lesser evil.
I drag my feet across the parking lot, forcing each step toward the back door. Before I can even lift my hand to reach for the handle, the door flies open and Damon’s large frame appears in front of me. His eyes are full of fury, like a bull on the verge of charging—at me.
“What the hell are you doing out here?”
I want to tell him what happened—that I know his brother is the man after me. I want Damon to take me in his arms and tell me everything is going to be okay…tell me he will always protect me—even from his own brother. But Xander’s warning rings in my ears, and I can’t shake the threat. He might not kill Damon, but he’ll kill me, and I value my life—even if it is pretty shitty right now.
“I just needed some fresh air,” I lie, trying to hide the tiredness and sadness from my face. I’m starting to think the only way out of this mess will be from a bullet to the head.
The fury rolling off Damon pulls me back to the present. His anger suffocates me, and I hate that he’s mad and there’s nothing I can do about it.
He doesn’t buy what I’ve told him, and I think he can smell the lie on me.
Instead of dragging me back inside—like I half expected—he walks outside, letting the door close behind him.
“Let’s go home.” He unlocks his car and grabs my hand, tugging me along. I can still feel the anger radiating off him, but he does a better job concealing it now. It isn’t until we are in the car that I notice Damon is clean and wearing different clothes. I guess he keeps extra clothes on hand for when things get messy.
I get into the car and lean against the window.
I’m caught between two killers.
One wants to love me, and one wants to literally kill me.
The chances of surviving this horrible predicament seem slimmer and slimmer everyday…and still…when I close my eyes, I see myself with Damon, celebrating a life I know we will never be able to live.
A life full of love and laughter—full of happiness.
Chapter 12
I don’t want to lose it, but I feel the blackness closing around me. This is why feelings never work. Why I promised myself I would never fall for a woman.
My thoughts are twisted and warped, mixing with my past. I know I need to care for Keira, but she makes it so fucking hard when she doesn’t listen—when she’s so naive and kind. It literally kills me to bring her into the darkness.
She rests against the passenger window. Her eyes are closed, and she looks as if she is sleeping. I grip the steering wheel, trying to cool my heated blood, trying to stop myself from losing it.
I keep the fury contained long enough to make it home, and as soon as I park and get out, I lose it. I unleash myself against the brick exterior of the house. My fists slam into the unforgiving brick over and over. The pain reminds me I am in fact human, and very capable of breaking bones.