Page 20 of Protect Me (Broken Heroes 2)
This place looks more like a single-family home than a college student’s.
I exit the car, my jaw clenched, anger burning through me. I walk up to the door, trying to rein in my anger, but I know I’m too far gone.
I feel this overpowering urge to punch something or someone. I clench and unclench my fists, attempting to overcome the urge to kick down the front door.
Ringing the doorbell, I wait patiently…well, as patiently as I can, my fingers gripping the doorjamb.
The door opens moments later, and Gunner’s surprised face appears behind it. Before he can mutter a single syllable, I push the door open all the way and force entry into the house. I don’t give a fuck who owns this place. I take a couple steps forward, and as soon as I come around the corner, I see her.
Sitting on the couch is the other girl from the video—the one I don’t know. She and Kiera look to be deep in conversation.
That’s going to fucking end—right now.
Keira’s eyes go impossibly wide when she spots me.
She jumps up from the couch, and yells, “I was going to come back.”
Ha, sure you were.
I smirk, shake my head, then pull my gun from the back of my pants and hold it to my side. I don’t want to point it at her, but I need her and Gunner to know I mean fucking business.
Gunner moves past me and positions himself between me and the other girl.
Is he protecting this other girl?
I don’t fucking know. My mind is whirling; my only thoughts are on getting Keira back.
“Damon, boss, we…I mean…I…I didn’t know she was with you.”
Looking into his eyes, I know he’s telling the truth. He had no idea.
“And that’s the only reason there isn’t a bullet in your brain right now. But if I ever find out otherwise, if I find her again, with either of you, you and the girl hiding behind you—you are dead.” I look into the girl’s eyes, making sure she gets the message as well.
“On second thought, she looks innocent as fuck, so I might just kill you and auction your girl off to the highest bidder.” Gunner’s entire body tenses. He wants to say or do something, but he knows better. He knows to keep his mouth shut when his boss is fucking talking, unlike someone…
I’m about to order Keira to get out, but she is already moving toward me, looking like she is about to attack me. Then she does—and I almost laugh.
I mean, I guess if you can call hitting my chest with her palms attacking me. She’s weak, and her slaps do nothing but feed the burning inferno inside me.
She’s never seen me angry, not like I am tonight. Tonight, she’ll be wishing she would’ve stayed at the fucking club. I tuck my gun back while Keira keeps hitting me.
“I fucking hate you!” Her voice cracks at the end.
“Good, because your hate for me is only going to grow as the night goes on.” I bend down and grab her by the waist, tossing her over my shoulder like she weighs nothing, and she doesn’t—not really.
Gunner’s girlfriend looks like she is about to come for me too. At least she seems to be a loyal friend—I’ll give her that. Gunner stops her in her tracks, making her visibly angry. He leans down and whispers something in her ear, and I’m sure he’s warning her, telling her the consequences of fucking with me.
Of course, Keira makes a scene and continues yelling at me while hitting my back with her tiny-ass hands. Her attack is futile. I’m not letting her go, and I’m not putting her down until we get to the car. When we get to the house, I’ll tie her to the bed, making certain she can never escape.
“Goodbye, Gunner,” I holler, then walk right out the front door, bouncing Keira against my shoulder, listening as the air leaves her lungs every time she falls back down.
She can’t talk if she can’t breathe, right?
“Put me down. It’s not like you care anyway. You were getting a blowjob. You wouldn’t have even known if someone came and got me.”
I can hear the anguish in her voice. Is she jealous because Hayley gave me a blowjob, or afraid I won’t protect her?
It sounds like she’s jealous, and that makes me smile. If she’s jealous, that means she might take me up on my offer. Then again, she probably won’t. She’s a fighter. A kitten with claws.
“It sounds like someone’s jealous, but you don’t have to worry about that tonight. Tonight, I’m all yours, baby. And just to prove a point, so you don’t run again, I’m going to take that pretty little thing between your legs—and I’m going to enjoy every single second of it.”