Page 46 of The Vow (North Woods University 4)
Shit, I’m not supposed to think about that, or any of this.
“Is everything okay, Lily?” Sebastian asks, and I swear it’s like he can read my mind. Like there is this imaginary string tethering us to each other. He knows me almost better than I know myself, and that’s terrifying.
“Yeah. It’s fine. I’m fine, I mean.” I correct myself, my voice cracking at the end. I don’t want to give away how jealous I am of him moving on, or the possibility of him moving on, but I can’t help the way I’m feeling. It’s like I know I can’t have him, but I don’t want anyone else to either.
“Are you sure? You seem a little… off.”
“I’m fine,” I snap, lying once again, and it’s even harder to say it this time because deep down inside I’m not fine. I’m falling for Sebastian Miller, falling helplessly for a man that I cannot have.
Sebastian’s gaze hardens as he places his pen down and shoves away from his desk. My eyes are glued to him as he walks across the room, closes the door, and clicks the lock into place.
“What are you doing?” I croak, my skin growing hotter. It feels like I have a damn fever, but I’m not sick. Unless you count being in love an illness.
He doesn’t say anything and instead walks toward me, his eyes never leaving mine. I feel like I need to stand up, so I get on my feet. He’s all man, and I can’t help but drink him in, admiring the way the suit he’s wearing hugs every inch of his toned body. I’ve been starving for him for days, for his touch, for his cock.
Stopping in front of me, he reaches out and gently pinches my chin between two fingers forcing me to look at him.
“To me, you are irreplaceable. What happened between us, it was meant to happen, and it will happen again, and again, because you, Lily, are a drug I can’t quit. That I don’t want to quit.”
Swallowing around the knot that’s formed in my throat, I try and gather the words I’ve been wanting to say.
My lips tremble, and I can feel my core pulse, the promise of pleasure flickers in his eyes.
I need him. I want him.
“I want you. I want you so much it hurts to be away from you, but…” I try and jerk out of his hold, but he squeezes, pinching harder.
“What… tell me, Lily. Tell me what you want?” Sebastian leans in, the words are nothing more than a breath against my lips, but the urgency behind them is clear. He’s so close now that if I moved just a smidge, we would be kissing.
“I want you, but I don’t…” His face falls, and I start to talk again, “I don’t want to be your dirty little secret. Something you’re forced to hide. I won’t be that girl, Sebastian.”
A smile curve’s his lips, and his eyes light up, “You aren’t a secret, Lily. You’re the sun, and the moon, you’re the goddamn stars in my galaxy. You’re happiness and sadness. You’re perfection and chaos. You’re mine. You’re not your sister, you, Lily, are never forgotten, always sweet, always kind, and I’m going to prove to you just how much I want you and no one else.”
Tears fill my eyes at his words, and before I can muster up a response, he’s kissing me. He breathes life into me, filling my soul with a fire that will never be extinguished. Clawing at each other’s clothes, my mind registers the sound of buttons flying, landing somewhere off in the distance, and fabric tearing but I’m too far gone to care.
Like a storm of pent up anger and need, we collide, the air sizzling. Sebastian has me naked and pinned to his desk in seconds. I can’t help myself. I’m starved, ravaged with need. I bite at his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood and earn myself a throaty growl of approval.
He picks me up slightly and makes me sit on the desk, my naked ass on the edge of the wooden surface. His fingers run over my thighs and land on my knees, where he stops to push my legs apart. The cool air meets my heated folds, and I am reminded of how wet I am.
Sebastian steps around me, and in one swoop of his arm clears the entire desk. Papers, pens and other knick-knacks falling to the floor and all I can do is giggle.
That giggle dies when Seb positions himself in front of me again, his eyes as dark as the night sky. With his pupils blown out, he looks almost dangerous, a little unhinged, and my core tingles at the thought of him losing control and taking me here right now. There is something so exciting and sexy about this. Like he has to have me right this second, and there is nothing that’s going to stop him.