Page 38 of The Vow (North Woods University 4)
After the night I snuck into his room, he let me sleep in his bed with him every night, but only to hold me, nothing more… much to my disappointment.
“What are you daydreaming about?” Delilah asks, falling into step with me.
“Liar! You’re probably dreaming about Dean Miller’s abs,” she giggles like a little schoolgirl.
I can’t help but roll my eyes at her. “I shouldn’t have told you about him. I should have made up some extravagant lie as to where I’m staying. I told you we are just friends. He is helping me out. No sex involved.”
“That doesn’t mean a girl can’t think about abs,” D quips. “Well defined, sweaty abs, rippling under that button-up shirt,” she mimics a porn star’s voice.
I shake my head at her and laugh. “You need to get laid. Go find a frat boy with sweaty abs, and no future.”
“You know what, Lily. That’s a great idea. I’ll talk to you later.” Delilah gives me a kiss on the cheek and darts off to who knows where. I keep walking toward the parking lot into one of the corners where Seb parks.
Today is one of the days I can ride back with him, and when I see him walking around the corner, my heart starts beating a little faster like it always does when I see him. He looks up and sees me standing next to his Jeep, his lips pull up into a smile, and suddenly, I feel two degrees hotter. Get a grip, Lily.
“Hey,” Sebastian greets me when he gets closer. “How was your day?”
“Great. Yours?”
“Busy, and boring,” he explains as he unlocks the car and we both get in. “Lots of developing recommendations for promotions, tenure, and compensation of faculty.”
“Yes, that does sound boring.”
“I was hoping we could do something fun tonight. Maybe watch a movie? Or get takeout, perhaps, both?” His question catches me off guard. We’ve been hanging out, but not like that. Usually, we eat together, but then I’ll paint or do homework while he does something else. Watching a movie sounds a lot like something a couple would do, but I don’t say that.
“Ah, sure,” I say trying not to read too much into it. It’s just a movie, Lily.
When we get home, Sebastian orders pizza before taking a shower. I change into my pajamas and cuddle up on the couch, waiting for him. The doorbell rings just as Seb comes out of the bedroom in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Rushing past me, he answers the door, and returns a moment later, with two pizza boxes in hand.
His hair is still wet when he sits down next to me, drops of water clinging to the strands, it looks soft, and I have the urge to run my fingers through it to see if I’m right. He puts the boxes on the table and props one of them open. The savory smell of cheese and Italian spices invade my senses, momentarily distracting me from the man I want to touch so badly.
He hands me a piece, and I lean back into the couch and start nibbling on the pizza while Seb starts the movie I picked.
“You picked Guardians of the Galaxy?” He quirks a brow.
“That’s the one,” I shrug. “I heard it’s good.” Also, it’s an action movie, so there should be a minimum of romantic scenes in it. I don’t need anything else to fuel my desire for him.
After we stuff ourselves with pizza, Seb reveals that the second box was holding brownies, which I happily accept when he offers. By the time we’re done with dessert, the movie hasn’t even run twenty minutes, and I’ve become painfully aware that I don’t have anything else to do with my hands.
I feel so ridiculous even thinking about it, but I need to keep my hands busy because if I don’t, all I’ll think about is reaching over to touch Sebastian. I try so hard to concentrate on the movie but having him so close and not being able to touch him has me on edge. All I want to do is scoot over and climb onto his lap. I want to bury my face in the crook of his neck, to kiss his skin and feel his muscles flex beneath my hands. I want to know what he looks like when he comes. I want all of it.
Peeking at him out of the corner of my eye, I catch him shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Is he reading my mind? Or is he having his own indecent thoughts? The fire between us is smoldering, suffocating almost. If he can’t feel the heat, then there’s something wrong with him.
“How do you like the movie?” Seb suddenly asks.
“Huh?” I mumble a little flustered. How stupid am I? He asked how I like the movie, and all I say is, huh.