Page 23 of The Vow (North Woods University 4)
Her body moves out of my line of sight, and my eyes meet a pair of hazel ones across the diner. There are four tables between us, but I feel like he is right in my face. For a moment, there is no one else in the room, just him and me. I don’t hear or see anyone besides Sebastian across the diner. Our eyes stay locked for what seems like hours until he suddenly looks away and the spell is broken.
I blink, realizing how dry my eyes are. Did I blink at all the last minute? My eyes are still glued to Sebastian’s face as I watch his lips start to move. It takes me another moment to realize that he is talking to someone. I swing my gaze to the person sitting across the table from him.
Jealousy slices through me like a hot knife as I take in the beautiful woman who is with him. She is smiling at him, showing off her straight white teeth, and dimples in her cheeks. She’s only wearing light makeup, a casual dress, and high heels, but with her model-like beauty, she might as well have just stepped off the runway. Her long auburn curls fall down her back in smooth waves, and I’m reminded that I didn’t even comb my hair.
“Okay, Lily,” Delilah’s voice drags me back to our table. “I’m not stupid, you know?” She lowers her voice, her eyes darting around the room to make sure no one can accidentally overhear us. “Clearly you have a thing for the dean and judging by the jealousy dripping out of you right now, there must have been something between you two.”
Letting my shoulders sag, I slump down into my seat, feeling defeated. “It’s so complicated, D.”
So, fucking complicated.
It takes everything inside of me to look at Laura, who is sitting across the table from me. She’s rambling on about budget plans, and faculty resources like she always does when we meet to talk business, but it’s never annoyed me as much as it does right now. All I want to do is stuff a handful of that half-eaten salad into her mouth just so she will stop talking.
What makes the whole situation even worse is knowing that Lily is sitting ten feet away. What must she think, seeing me here with Laura? I want to storm over there and tell her that Laura and I are discussing school finances, and nothing more, but what’s the point? I don’t owe Lily an explanation. I’m not hers, and she is not mine. Even if this was a date, there would be nothing wrong with that. My head knows that, but my chest aches, and my stomach twists in guilt. I feel like I’m betraying her.
Laura excuses herself to go to the bathroom, and I use the alone time to glance over at Lily. She looks like she just rolled out of bed and stumbled over here, yet she manages to be the most beautiful woman in the room. She doesn’t need fancy clothing and a layer of makeup to look stunning.
She hasn’t looked back over here since she first got here. She is trying to ignore me, but I can see from across the room that I have an effect on her, just by being here, the same way she affects me. It’s always like that when we are close to each other. Our bodies are like two magnets, constantly being pulled toward each other. We might be able to look away, but we can’t ignore the gravitational pull.
A current ripples between us like an invisible live wire is hanging in the space separating us. The question is… how can I make it stop? How can I stop myself from needing the heat, the zing her touch brings? When she touches me, I feel alive, my heart beating for so much more than my own body’s functioning.
“You okay, Sebastian?” Laura asks, sliding back into the booth. I blink myself out of the trance Lily’s presence brings. “You seem distracted today.”
“I’m good, just busy with all the new responsibilities that came with the job.”
“I totally get it,” she nods while checking the time on her watch. “Ugh, I got to go. Hubs picked up the kids from daycare, but he can’t handle dinner and kids.” She rolls her eyes. “Men, just don’t know how to multitask.”
“It’s fine, thanks for meeting me after hours.” I asked her to come here because I figured being alone with her in the office would be weird, now I’m second-guessing my decision. Having Lily seeing me here with her might be worse.
“Any time, Seb. I’ll talk to you soon,” she says, getting up from her seat. I slide out as well, giving her a quick hug. I’ve known Laura and her husband for a long time, we’ve worked together for the past few years, and we’ve all become friends somewhere along the way.