Page 43 of The Secret (North Woods University 3)
“No shit, huh?” Rem sounds surprised his eyebrows raised.
“Remmy.” Jules nudges Rem in his ribs playfully. “Quit being rude. What he meant was… hi, nice to meet you.” Jules holds out her hand to me and I take it without thought.
“Nice to meet you too.”
My first impression of her is confirmed during the next twenty minutes. Apparently she and Ava are friends and they are nice enough to include me in all their conversations. Clark holds my hand the entire time, making certain everyone sees that we’re together. I’m thankful for the touch, even though I feel comfortable talking with just the girls which is a pretty big step for me.
“You don’t like your drink?” Ava asks. “I can get you something else.”
At her offer, I look down at the plastic cup that I’ve been holding onto since we got here, but have yet to take a sip of. “No, it’s fine. Thank you though.”
Forcing myself out of my comfort zone yet again, I bring the drink to my lips. The cherry colored liquid slushes against them and I flick my tongue out against the rim, gathering a small taste.
Fruity. Bubbly. Surprisingly less vodka tasting than expected. Tipping the cup back I take a bigger drink, my eyes watering from the fizz as the liquid coats my throat and lands in my belly, filling it with warmth.
“See it’s not as bad as you thought it would be, is it?” Ava’s voice splices through me and I’m not sure if she’s talking about the drink or the party, so I go with the second.
Lifting a shoulder, I half shrug. “It feels like everyone is staring at us,” I whisper, wondering if she’ll even be able to hear me over the loud music blasting through the house.
“Ignore them. They’re all assholes,” Vance sneers, taking a drink from his cup. He’s speaking to me, but it feels like his words are directed at everyone else.
Clark seems tense, even though his hold on me is gentle. Taking another drink, I notice over the rim of my cup two guys walking toward us. They’re wearing similar attire to Clark, a North Woods Baseball t-shirt and jeans that hang low on their hips. From this distance, I already recognize them as the guys from the grocery store awhile back. Clark’s not friends.
“Clarky, you came, and I see you brought your girlfriend,” Brad teases, giving me what I assume is his version of bedroom eyes but looks more like he’s got a piece of lint or something in his eye.
“Sure did,” Clark quips, his jaw turning to stone.
Vance snorts. “This should be fun.” I look over at him, bewildered by his statement.
What should be fun?
Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Remington rolling his eyes, his mouth pulled into a frown. He looks like he doesn’t like these guys either, and I can’t blame him.
“It’s nice to see you outside of class, Em…” Paul snickers.
“It’s Emerson, don’t fucking call her Em. Actually, don’t call her anything. Don’t talk to her at all, unless you want my fist in your face.”
“Jesus, calm your tits, Clark. No reason to piss on her leg like that. She’s a lady, she can decide for herself who she wants to talk to, can’t you, Em?”
My lips press into a firm line. I know what he’s doing. He’s baiting Clark, and it’s working. How do I know? Well, Clark looks like he’s about to jump this guy and make good on his fist in your face threat.
Knowing this will go on until I put a stop to it, I gather up all the courage I can. Swallowing around the lump forming in my throat, I try to keep my voice loud and even when I say, “You’re right, Paul. I can decide who I want to talk to and it sure as hell isn’t you.”
I’m not sure who is more shocked by my speech. Me, Clark, or Paul? I feel everyone’s eyes move to me, my cheeks turning fifty shades of red. Ava and Vance are also starring, their mouths hanging open in surprise.
“Kitty grew some claws, I see,” Paul slurs, his eyes flicking over me with distaste before turning around, motioning for Brad to come with him. “Let’s get out of here, this party is lame.”
“Yes, please do that,” Vance says, clicking his tongue. Both boys walk away, giving us their backs. When they’re finally out of sight, I feel like I can breathe again.
Holy crap, I told someone off. Power surges through me. I’ve never done anything like that before, something that made me feel good.
“Girl, where did you pull that out of?” Ava giggles, her eyes wide, curious.
“No idea, but I knew if I didn’t say something, it would’ve got worse.”
“Worse for him, not you. He would’ve shut up eventually.”