Page 24 of The Secret (North Woods University 3)
Desperate to change the subject and lighten the mood, I say, “Let’s go home and eat one of these exotic pizzas with pineapples on it. Maybe you can change my mind after all.”
Emerson’s eyes light up, but not like before, and the smile on her lips is gone now proving to me that what those assholes said got to her somehow.
Fuck… and to think I thought I was making headway.
Chapter Six
The grocery store was painfully awkward, so when we pull into the driveway of the condo, I’m beyond grateful to be back home. Home. It’s so strange to think this is going to be my new home, our new home. I still haven’t wrapped my head around everything that’s taken place today, and I know it’s going to take me some time to digest it. Change is hard on me, but with Clark by my side, it’s becoming easier. I’m terrified at the thought of needing him, of losing him but try my hardest not to focus on it.
It isn’t until we’re parked in the driveway that we realize there is no way I would be able to help Clark get this oversized, bulky, sectional moved inside.
“I could try to help you,” I announce meekly, knowing damn well that I won’t be able to lift that thing.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll call a friend,” he tells me, frustration wrinkling his forehead and I immediately recoil. I just met two of his friends and I don’t think I can handle any more of that tonight. I try and hide my distaste of the idea but with one look I know he’s already seen it. “A real friend, Em, those guys at the store were not my friends. Maybe they used to be, but not anymore. I’ll call Vance, he’s my best friend, you’ll like him… once you get to know him.” Looking up from his phone, he adds, “I only ask that you give him a chance. He’s a little rough around the edges.”
What does that mean? I try not to dwell on the thought as Clark calls his friend and instead gather up the groceries. Clark gives me a displeased look before hanging up the phone and then grabs them from me and starts walking up the front steps.
“You know I’m not broken, right? I can carry groceries.”
“Yeah, but why should you when I’m here.” He winks and starts up the walkway. I fell into step behind him, wondering if this is going to be the norm. Once inside the house, I close the door behind us, and head into the kitchen where Clark has deposited the grocery bags.
“I don’t want to worry you, but Vance is a little intense. He won’t hurt you or anything, but he comes off pretty brash.”
“Okay,” I reply, unsure of how I should react to his friend.
“Ava, on the other hand, you’re going to like. She’ll be coming with him.” Clark gives me a reassuring smile that makes my heart do a little flip flop in my chest.
“Ava?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.
“Yes, Ava. She’s his stepsister, and well…” Clark’s eyes light up with amusement as if he’s reliving a fond memory. “Just wait, you’ll see.”
We are in the kitchen putting the groceries in the fridge when we hear a car pull up. Clark walks to the door, opening it before a knock can even sound against the wooden door.
“Hey guys,” he says, gesturing for them to come in. A guy, who I’m assuming is Vance and a girl who has to be Ava walk in together. Both look around, taking in the place until their eyes fall on me standing in the kitchen. I can’t imagine how all this looks to them. My teeth sink into my bottom lip, worrying the flesh nervously while I wring my hands together in front of me.
“What the fuck’s going on?” Vance asks confusion glittering his voice. He looks like a brute, like a bad boy, Clark is the complete opposite. Next to him, Ava blinks, a slow smile forming on her lips. She’s impossibly pretty with big eyes, blemish-free skin, and brown hair that reminds me of a chocolate waterfall. I don’t know how I could ever compete against someone like her, and a sliver of jealousy forms in my gut when I think about who she is to him.
Clark shoves a hand into his hair, his fingers gliding through his glossy brown locks. “Ava, Vance. Meet Emerson, my girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?” Vance stutters, echoing my thoughts exactly as I feel it.
“Yup. Girlfriend,” Clark confirms, his voice stern. “Emerson, this is Vance, my best friend, and Ava, my second best friend.”
“Hi,” I say, my voice quiet, even though I’m trying my best to sound confident or at least normal. I have this weird desire to look good in front of Clark’s friend. I want them to like me, and I don’t want to make Clark look bad or disappoint him. He’s done so much for me this is the least I can do. I’ll pretend to be whatever he wants right now, and ask him why later on.