Page 83 of The Dare (North Woods University 2)
“Look, girls, trailer trash is here, make sure you hold on to your purses. You never know with this one,”
Sarah snickers. She had better be counting her lucky stars today that she is a girl, ‘cause if she wasn’t, my fist would be flying through the air right now.
“Get lost, Sarah, you’re just jealous of Ava,” I snap.
“Oh hey, Vance. I haven’t seen you in a while,” she greets me, ignoring my statement. A pout forms on her red painted lips.
Tugging Ava into my side, I make it clear to Sarah that I’m with her.
“I’ve been busy spending time with people who matter, you know…with my girlfriend.”
Sarah’s hyenas laugh like I said something funny. Sarah cuts them off with the wave of her hand, her nose wrinkling in disgust. “She’s trailer trash and your stepsister. Isn’t that like incest or something,” she sneers.
“Stepsister. We aren’t related, but I wouldn’t expect you to understand that since the only thing you’re good at is spreading your legs,” I grit out.
“You didn’t seem to mind much…” Sarah snickers and I snap.
“Don’t be full of yourself. I never fucked you and I never would. Why would I want you when I have someone like Ava?”
Sarah tosses her hair over her shoulder. “Whatever, Clark still lets me ride his dick.”
Is that supposed to hurt my feelings or something? Because it doesn’t. I’d much rather have Ava than ever allow Sarah to touch me again.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ava’s cheeks growing red with embarrassment. Then I lift my head and notice we’ve caught most of the attention in the room.
“What the fuck are you all staring at?” I growl into the crowd and most everyone goes back to what they were doing a moment before this little spat took place.
“Have fun with that,” Sarah says, her top lip curling in disgust before skipping off into the crowd.
Ava slaps a hand to my chest. “You brought me here to have a sparring match with her?”
“No, baby, I brought you here so everyone knows you’re mine.”
“They’re more like us than we thought,” Jules says to Remington who grins down at her like a fool.
“Another goal for team hate to love,” Remington snickers.
“What the hell?” I nudge Rem in the side, getting his attention.
“What?” he asks.
“What the hell do you mean another goal for team hate to love?”
“Oh, Jules and I had a little bet going. She wasn’t so sure you would fall for the meddling stepsister, but I knew better.”
“Bets get you in trouble I’ve heard.” I wink, which causes Remington to expel another huff of laughter.
“That they do, that they do.”
My cell phone starts to ring in my pocket, and I fish the thing out gazing down at the screen.
I answer immediately. “Hey, what’s up? I haven’t heard from you in a while.”
“Uhh yeah, sorry. I’ve been busy. Do you have time to help me? I’m moving and I need help with this sectional. It’s a bitch to move.”
Moving? “What the fuck, Clark, what’s going on?” I ask.
Sighing, he says, “Look, I’ll explain when you get here.”
Ava having heard the entire conversation nods her head, telling me she’s okay with leaving this shit show.
“Yeah, we’ll be there. Message me your new address.”
“Got it, see you soon,” Clark says, hanging up the phone. I shove my phone back into my pocket and turn to Rem and Jules.
“Sorry, but we’re blowing this Popsicle stand.”
Ava gives Jules a quick hug and I give Rem a chin nod before taking my girl by the hand and guiding her out of the party. Once we make it outside and away from the loud noise of the party, Ava asks, “What’s going on? Why did Clark move?”
“I don’t know, but we’re about to find out.”
Just then, my phone chimes with an incoming text. I wait to check it until we reach the car. Then I fish the thing out and read the text Clark sent me. I know the address, the place he’s living is in a condo near the country club, but why the fuck is he moving into his own place?
Shoving the thoughts away, I start the car and take Ava’s hand into mine as I drive us toward Clark’s place. It doesn’t take long before we’ve arrived.
“Clark’s going to live in one of these places by himself?” Ava asks astonished.
“Yeah, I don’t really believe it either.”
We walk up the stone walkway and to the condo that Clark told me. When we reach the door, I sigh, lifting my hand to knock. I don’t get a chance though because a moment later the door comes flying open. Clark’s shameful face before me.
“Hey guys,” Clark says, gesturing for us to come in. The place is huge and my mouth pops open when I notice the girl standing in the middle of the kitchen, her face filled with anxious anxiety.