Page 7 of Darkest Dreams
“Does anyone else at the club know about this part of your life?”
“No. I like to keep my private life to myself. I don’t advertise who I am.”
She didn’t even try to find out the truth.
“Some women are usually besotted with all of this,” he said, leaning back in his chair. He sat at the head of the table, and he’d given her a seat to his left.
“I find it a little uncomfortable. This is not what I imagined.”
“What did you imagine?” He liked that she was thinking about him. That was a good sign.
“Not this. I figured you would be the kind of guy to own a bachelor penthouse. A lot of black leather furniture, and I don’t know, maybe work in a tattoo parlor or something. I didn’t know what you did.” She took a breath. “To be honest I thought your job was at Darkest Dreams.”
“Being paid to spank women.”
“To explore women who can trust you.” She shrugged. “I guess nothing prepared me for this.”
“And you’re not impressed by it.”
“It’s beautiful. I just feel like I shouldn’t be here.”
“Why not?” He was interested.
“I deal with insurance claims. That’s what I do. I sit at a little desk in a cubicle, nine till five, helping as many people as I can. I don’t make a lot of money from it, as I’ve already told you. I live in a very small apartment that I rent. This is like another life completely. What do you do?”
“I don’t want to talk about that at the moment. First, I want to get to know you.”
“Oh. Well, can you tell me why I’m here? I don’t feel comfortable telling you anything until I know what you want.”
Dominic saw her nerves, and he reached toward the file he’d kept there. “It’s a simple contract, a proposition if you will.” He handed her the file, and she took it, staring for several minutes. She lifted up one page, then another, then another.
“I don’t get it. This is a relationship contract.”
“A special one between a Dominant and a submissive. This is one I have used in the past with previous lovers.”
Now he saw the hurt flash across her eyes. “It’s a, erm, a standard contract, and one I think you will like.”
“You’ve never approached me in the club. I didn’t even think you knew my name.”
“I knew your name, and a few other things about you.” He took her hand. “I want to explore something with you. I want you to be mine.”
She stared at the file. “What is all of this.”
“I want you to tell me everything you like, dislike, and stuff we can explore.”
“There’s a lot of detail here. What exactly are you asking me?”
“If you read—”
“I want you to give it to me straight, Dominic. What exactly is it that you want from me?”
He was shocked by her abrupt attitude. “You want it to be blunt.”
“Yeah. I’m tired of misreading everything. Up until last night I didn’t even think I existed to you.”
“I want you to be mine. I want to fuck you, spank your ass, dominate you, and above all, I want to spoil you.”