Page 2 of Darkest Dreams
He leaned in close so that his lips were against her ear and whispered. “There’s a lot I know about you.”
Closing her eyes, she found herself leaning closer, trying to get as close as humanly possible without seeming weird.
“You’re just a beautiful little peach waiting to be plucked.” He shocked her even further by stroking her cheek. “Maybe one day.”
Within the next second he was gone, and she stood wondering if she’d imagined the whole thing. Only when she’d got her bearings did she move back toward Ella.
“Is it possible for all Masters to actually know our names?”
“I don’t know. It’s possible. We give a great deal of our personal lives on those forms. There’s a lot of Masters, and there’s a lot of people.” Ella stared at her. “Did something happen?”
“I don’t know. I think I’m going insane.”
“That’s not hard, really. You work long hours, and for a guy who doesn’t appreciate you most of the time.”
Avery worked at a small desk, answering the phone and handling people’s problems with their insurance claims. Not that she was about to tell Ella, but she was looking for a new job. Patrick, the guy she currently worked for, was a creep and an asshole. He drove difficult clients her way, and if she failed to appease them, all the blame was put on her. She was tired of the stress, and the worry that with a phone call she could lose her job.
Besides, she didn’t want to be answering the phone for the rest of her life, nor sitting behind a desk. Every day she was finding it harder and harder to get out of bed to face the day. Work was a pain in the ass necessity. The only thing she actually enjoyed was visiting Darkest Dreams. She wanted a little more excitement in her life, and to connect to someone else.
“So you don’t think it’s normal for one of the Masters to remember a name?”
“Depends. If you’re a regular sub for one of them, I imagine they’ll know you.” Ella shrugged. “Who knows? I reckon it’s why we have those pet names and stuff.”
Avery didn’t know what else to say, and so she sat down and drank her soda. At Darkest Dreams alcohol wasn’t allowed. Right at that moment she could have really used a stiff drink.
* * * *
“That wasn’t very nice.”
Dominic Wright turned from the shadows where he’d been watching Avery Masters to see Malcolm Cross, a fellow Dom, watching him. From the moment Avery had entered Darkest Dreams, she’d turned his world upside down.
“I’m not a nice guy,” he said.
“Every single person here, Dom and sub, knows that she has a thing for you. She can never take her eyes off you. You’re no better. Always making sure you’re at your best. It’s almost like you’re performing for her.”
He was.
“What can I say? I’m just that good. It’s why all the subs want a chance with me.”
“You’re a trophy to them, Dom. Don’t think you’re anything more or you’ll get hurt.”
“I won’t get hurt.”
Malcolm shrugged. “I think Avery is one of the good ones. She’s not just here to have a good time. She actually wants to find someone who’ll be her Dominant in all things.”
He hated that Malcolm saw that. Dom had already figured out the same thing, only he wanted to keep her to himself, and not have anyone else touch her. Even though it was against the rules, he’d demanded everyone at the club not touch her. Several of the Doms owed him favors, and so he called them all in, making sure Avery was free for him. Of course, he’d not known her very well at the time; however, he was starting to see the real woman beneath the shy exterior.
Dom knew he had the skills to draw her out of her shell, and to actually bring the best to her. Her body was ripe for the taking, and he believed her heart was as well.
Several of the Doms were annoyed with him for waiting so long. He’d truly believed she would make the first move. She’d surprised him by keeping her distance.
“What would you like me to do?”
“I don’t just speak for myself when I say the men are bored with waiting. Either you stake your claim and make her yours, or you’re going to lose her. She deserves a chance to play, and keeping our distance is proving to be difficult.” Malcolm left before he could comment.
Dom didn’t want to play with her for the first time at the club. He wanted more, and the first time he got to touch her, taste her, he intended for it to be in private.
Entering the main part of Darkest Dreams, he saw she was leaving. She was hugging her friend, and making her way toward the main doors. He didn’t want her to leave just yet.