Page 8 of Claiming His Wife
Chapter Three
The weekend went by in a blur. She planted some flowers in her small garden and read a book in between wondering what Tony wanted to talk to her about. Usually, he made the arrangements, sent the dress over to her and then picked her up at the appropriate time. When Monday lunch-time came, she caught a taxi to the restaurant.
As soon as she entered the maitre d’ escorted her to a table in the back. Tony hadn’t arrived, but he’d left instructions for her. She sat down, picked up the menu. Most of the dishes were spelt in Italian which she’d never taken the time to learn.
Tony walked in fifteen minutes later. Her heart hammered in her chest. Whenever he was around she felt like a school girl with her first crush. Technically speaking, Tony was the first man she’d had a crush on.
He didn’t wait to be taken to his seat. He walked straight over to her, signalled a waiter and picked up a menu.
“Hello,” he said.
She’d never known it to be so awkward between them. They usually conversed easily, the banter coming naturally. They’d gotten married, and now everything was different. How did she approach him?
“Do you want some wine, Petal?” he asked, using the nickname he used to call her.
“No, thank you. Water for me.”
“You know, I never understand these menus. I want a good meal. Are you hungry?”
She nodded her head. She was starving. Ever since he’d mentioned going out to a restaurant she’d been so nervous that trying to keep food down was the hardest thing.
“So, you don’t like wine. What else don’t you like?” he asked, gazing at her over the menu.
Opal didn’t know what he meant. She said the first thing that came to her mind. “Peas. I don’t like peas. Or celery.”
He threw his head back and started laughing, attracting the attention of several of the diners. “You amaze me some days, Petal.”
“I’m glad I entertain you.” She twirled her thumbs.
“We don’t have to be like this,” he said.
“Be like what?”
“Awkward around each other. You’re my wife, Opal. You don’t need to be skittish around me.”
She heard everything he said with a heavy heart. On her wedding day he’d told her to not expect anything from him. He leaned over the table and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She stared at him. His action made her tighten all over her body with his touch, the brush of his finger against her cheek, moving over to her ear.
“I can’t stop thinking about that kiss. Your lips were made for kissing.” Tony ran his thumb over her lips before pulling away.
Opal licked her lips wondering if she would be able to taste him on her tongue.
“You drive me crazy when you do that. I see your tongue, and I imagine so many things.” He’d never been like this with her. She could only imagine that this was his way of seducing her. The touches and the way he spoke. She knew she was way out of her league.
“What things do you imagine?” The whole restaurant faded away to her, Tony being the only man who existed to her. When she looked at any other person from the opposite sex she didn’t react the way she did with Tony. Except with him, her heart didn’t pound in her chest or make her ache all over to simply be near. She was a married woman who cared deeply for a husband she barely knew.
“Do you really want to know?” he asked. He took hold of her hand, caressing her knuckles.
“I see you naked on my bed, begging me to come to you. Have you ever been with a man, Opal?”
She shook her head.
“I’m a fucking monster for the things I want to do to you.”
“What kind of things?” Her body was humming for him to tell her. She wanted to know if he wanted what she wanted.