Page 29 of Claiming His Wife
Chapter Ten
The first few days passed with them growing more comfortable together. They took long walks on the beach, shared meals and laughed at old television shows. Opal relished every little touch and kiss he gave her, but she wanted more. The longer he held back, the more she wanted him.
On their third night at the resort, she’d had enough. The honeymoon and sex were taking too long. She was twenty years old. A virgin and she wanted to give herself to Tony. To show him that it didn’t matter about his parents. She still loved him regardless of what he’d been through.
He sent her upstairs to get ready for dinner. She’d put some chicken breasts with peppers, garlic, onions and tomatoes in the oven to roast with a bit of olive oil and salt and pepper. He promised to keep an eye on it while she changed. She went into the bedroom, looking for the sexiest dress she could find. The only one she owned that didn’t make her look like an escaped whale was a pastel green summer dress which ended at her knee and exposed most of her cleavage. Grabbing some make-up, a hairbrush and other items, she went to the bathroom.
The time it would take to have a bath could spoil the mood she intended to set. She quickly showered, wiping away all the day’s sweat and grime. Once she’d done she got out and dried every inch of her body. She used some moisturiser to keep her skin soft. She chose simple, plain white underwear to go under her dress.
She put on the dress and some make-up. She brushed her hair and winced whenever she caught a knot.
Thirty minutes later, the food smelt heavenly, and she was ready to leave the bathroom. He sat on the sofa watching a football game. Placing a hand on her hip with one against the door she tried her best not to look like she was in seduction mood.
“What are you watching?” she asked.
She didn’t dare look at him in case she crumpled and ruined the mood.
“A football game,” he said.
“Enjoy. Dinner will be in two minutes. Do you want to eat here or at the table?”
“The table will be fine.” She nodded her head, and she set the table to make sure she could be seated right next to him.
The chicken was cooked through and still juicy, along with all the vegetables. She served it up on two plates with a sprinkle of chopped parsley.
Tony was already sat at the table as she brought the food in.
“You’re hungry, huh?” she asked.
“What are you up to?”
Ignoring his question, she placed his plate in front of him. “I don’t have much for dessert, so eat up and enjoy.”
She took a swig of her water and wished she’d tried some of the wine she’d seen in the fridge.
They ate in silence. Every once in a while, she’d stroke her foot along his leg, or touch his arm. The only seduction she’d ever heard about had been in the books she read. The women knew what they were doing, or at least the men ravished them before they had to make the first move.
Come on, Tony. I’m ready to explode over here. Give me something.
She jumped as his hand landed on her thigh. He didn’t speak or even look at her as he worked his hand underneath her dress. She waited with bated breath, but after a few minutes passed he hadn’t moved his hand past her knee. Biting her lip in disappointment she speared a piece of chicken and took a bite.
His hand moved up to mid-thigh making her drop her fork. The clatter as it hit the plate made her jump. In that time his hand went directly over her panties. She noticed he wasn’t eating anymore, and his body was turned toward her.
“I know what you’re trying to do,” he said.
“What am I trying to do?”
“Seduce me, but it’s not supposed to work like that, Opal.”
He didn’t move his hand, and his thumb moved slowly. She hoped he was doing it on purpose. From the simple movement she was ready to burst at the seams.
“I’m ready, Tony. I want you,” she said.
“What I meant to say is, I’m the one supposed to seduce you, Petal. Not the other way round.”
A little woman inside her head was jumping for joy. “I want you, Tony. Please.”
“I shouldn’t. I’m not right for you.”