Page 20 of Claiming His Wife
“I’m sure you’re clever enough to work out and see that they’re divorce papers,” he said.
“I know what they are. I want to know why you’re giving them to me.”
“Before I forget,” Richard said. He went through his pockets and handed him two wedding rings. “She wanted me to say, thank you for helping her.”
Tony stared down at both rings. In the space of a few minutes his whole world had fallen out of whack. He knew that stupid article had something to do with this shit.
“I think you know.”
“Has Opal requested this?”
“I think it’s time you left my sister alone. You’ve been married two years, and nothing has happened. Leave her out of this. You’ve done enough damage,” Richard said.
“Does this have anything to do with Charles sniffing around?” Tony asked.
“How do you know about Charles?”
“Just because I’m not there doesn’t mean I don’t have means of taking care of what’s mine.”
“Opal is not yours. I’m taking care of my sister.”
“If you were taking care of your sister, you’d keep that sick fucker away from her. Didn’t you get on her wedding day that she didn’t want anything to do with him?”
“Like I said, it’s time for you to leave her alone.”
Tony stared down at the papers, the boiling rage coursing through him. He wasn’t going to sign those papers. Opal was his woman, and he wasn’t going to let her go.
“And I think it’s time you left Opal alone. She may be your sister, but she’s my fucking wife.” Tony stepped closer getting in his friend’s face. He’d accepted a punch from him two years ago, but he wasn’t going to let him get away with it again. “Now tell me where my woman is, or so help me God, I will cause you more trouble than you ever imagined.”
“If you want her so badly, why are you waiting?”
“Because two years ago I fucked up on our friendship, and right now, I’m prepared to overlook it. But Opal loves you. I don’t want that to come between us.” Tony refused to back down until he got Richard’s blessing.
“Go and get her.”
Tony left his office and ran toward his car. He knew in his gut she was in trouble. The security he’d placed around her had informed him she hadn’t returned to the house in several days. He knew her parents were trying to get her back with that bastard Charles. He wasn’t having it. Opal was his, and it was time he was going to show the world he meant business.