Page 57 of When Rivals Fall (Bayshore Rivals 1)
I’m so stunned by this whole situation, that I’m literally speechless. He shakes his head and pushes off the bed. Stomping to his dresser, he pulls out the drawer with such force it almost comes out all the way. He grabs a pair of shorts from within and puts them on, damn near ripping them in the process.
“Sullivan, I’m not lying, last nig…” I say, once I find my voice again. Why does it feel like we’re falling apart?
“You deserve an Oscar, you know?” He cuts me off, whirling around with a coldness in his gaze. “Your acting skills are on point. Maybe you’ll start your acting career with the video I took of us fucking last night.”
The air stills in my lungs, the only sound I hear is the thump, thump of my heart. It feels like it’s being ripped in two and at any given second I expect it to stop working. His confession destroys me and shatters my world.
“You… you… filmed us having sex?” I stutter, my hands shaking, tears forming in my eyes instantly.
A smile spreads across his face and even though it seems forced, it wounds me deeply. Disgust and hurt spread through my body and I can’t stop it. I scurry off the bed and gather my clothes from the floor, putting each piece on as I go. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t keep being their punching bag, reliving a past that I’m so helplessly trying to break free from.
With everything but my jeans on I glance over at Sullivan who just stands there watching me with an unreadable expression.
“You’re right, I am a great actress. So committed to my role, I grew back my hymen for you, to make this more believable,” I spit out, shoving my legs into my pants, I point to my thighs which still have streaks of blood on them. Sullivan follows my gaze, his mouth pops open when he sees the small smudges of blood. “Don’t believe me asshole, check the condom, or maybe think back to the way you fucked me, of how nervous I was,” I pull my pants up the rest of the way and button them.
Sullivan looks like he’s about to say something, but I’m done. I’m not waiting around to hear what it is he has to say. Some lame-ass apology that means nothing. Because I mean nothing to him. To them. I’m so done. Done with the lies. Done with the games. Done with him and his brothers, his family, all of it. Just done!
“Have a nice life,” I murmur on the way out of his bedroom door. Tears escape my eyes as I run through the house.
“Wait,” I hear Sullivan call from upstairs just before I slam the front door behind me.
How could I have been so stupid? I gave myself to him. I loved him, I loved all three of them and all they did was play games. I’m nothing more than a pawn to him and his brothers.
I run down the sidewalk, my shoes pounding on the pavement, and the tears running down my face uncontrollably. Pushing my legs as far as I can, I only slow when I become lightheaded. Needing to catch my breath after running through the neighborhood for I don’t know how long. My chest aches, my lungs burn, and a killer headache has formed right behind my eyes.
I stop and look around, taking in my surroundings, and I realize that I have no idea where I am. Reaching into my back pocket I pull out my phone and find the contact info for the only person I can think of right now.
Caroline answers after the third ring. “Harlow, what’s up?” Her voice is cheery, as usual. Completely oblivious to my despair.
“Caroline,” I sigh with relief, “can you come and pick me up?”
“Of course, are you okay?” She loses her cheery tone, concern replacing it.
“Yes, no, god, I don’t know. I’m at…” I look around me, trying to find a street sign. “McKinley Road,” I say when I finally find one.
“I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
Ending the call, I sit down on the curb and let my head fall into my hands. I vow to myself never to be dumb enough to fall for their tricks or antics again. By the time Caroline’s car pulls up, there must be a puddle of tears in front of me, because I haven’t stopped crying since I got off the phone with her. She jumps out of the car and runs around to where I’m sitting.
“Oh my god, what happened?” She kneels down next to me, her arms circle around me. “Please, tell me. What’s wrong?”
“It was all a lie… Sullivan and his brothers played me,” I say in between sobs. “I loved them and…”
“Oh, Harlow, I’m so fucking sorry. Come on, girl, let’s get you home.”