Page 10 of When Rivals Fall (Bayshore Rivals 1)
Shelby is already gone by the time I’m dressed and ready to go. She has an early class, while mine doesn’t start until ten. I briefly thought about switching schools but decided that I’m not going to run from my problems again, Shelby is here and there is no way her father will let her switch schools again and I don’t want to go anywhere else by myself. I’m alone as it is, no need to isolate myself further.
I think the best way to deal with the Bishops is to ignore them as best as I can. I won’t play into their games or let them bring me down. I came here to be a normal college student and that’s what I’m going to be.
Stuffing all my books and notepads into my backpack, I swing it over my shoulder and head out the door, locking it as I go. I turn around and walk down the hallway with a campus map and my class schedule in hand.
With my eyes trained on the paper, I don’t even see the person stepping out in front of me until it’s too late and my body is crashing into another. Clutching onto the paper in my hands I look up startled.
I’m about to mumble some apology when I realize it’s Banks who is towering in front of me, and judging by the expression on his face, him being here isn’t just a coincidence.
“Good morning, Princess,” he grins, his blue eyes twinkling with one-sided amusement.
“What do you want, Banks?” I try to push past him, but he blocks my exit and steps in my way, with him being built like a brick wall there isn’t much I can do to get by him.
“I was just thinking about how nice it would be for me to pick you up so we can walk to our class together.”
“Our class?” I repeat his words with disbelief.
“Yup, we made sure at least one of us is always in one of your classes, so we can keep an eye on you,” he explains. “We wouldn’t want you to have a good time or anything.” He leans forward brushing a loose strand of hair from my face. His sweet, intoxicating scent of cinnamon wraps around me making it hard for me to breathe. This close I almost forget he’s the enemy. Almost. “Remember, we’re here to make your life as difficult as possible.”
“I got that part, thanks.” I swat away his hand and twist around walking in the other direction. I’m not doing this. I can’t handle it right now.
The sound of his heavy footsteps following me down the stairs reverberates around the stairwell, but even without the sound, I would know he is there. I can feel his presence. I can feel his body close to mine, just as I can feel each of the Bishop Brothers when they are in the same room as me.
I can’t explain it, but it has always been this way. I used to think it was because they were bad and I have a sixth sense about bad people, but I figured out a while ago that the goosebumps covering my skin are not there because they give me the creeps, no it’s something much more worrisome than that.
Banks catches up with me and falls into step beside me. My breath hitches at his closeness. Damnit, why does my body have to react this way when one of them is close? Why can’t my body get the memo about our mutual hate?
“You are much less annoyed by me being here than I thought you would be. Maybe you even like having me close by,” he says, and I can feel my cheeks heating, giving my embarrassment away. “Are you excited to see me? Is that why you didn’t pull away when I was standing behind you the other night?”
“Stop,” I blurt out and up my pace. Unfortunately, he is much taller than me, his legs longer and even though I’m speed walking now, he is only casually walking next to me, he has no trouble at all keeping up.
Lord, please shove me off the side of a cliff right now.
All I get is two more steps before Banks grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. He twirls us around and pushes my body up against the closest wall. With my back flush against the cold brick, he leans in, so close that his body molds against mine. He dips his head so his mouth is right next to the shell of my ear and I have this strange need, want even, to turn and feel his lips against mine.
Would he kiss me back? This attraction is wrong, but it feels so right.
“Did you like how close I was? How close I am right now?” His breath is hot on my skin and as he talks a shiver runs through my body, from the top of my head all the way down to my toes. This is wrong, so wrong. He is crowding my space, my mind. Making me think and feel things I shouldn’t.