Page 28 of Daughter's Best Friend
She wanted them.
He heard the yearning in her voice, and it saddened him that she might not want them with him.
Why can’t you have kids?
You’re still able.
You still want a big family.
He was approaching fifty. Was that a good thing to be having kids at that age? By the time he was seventy they would be twenty.
“I want kids,” he said, drawing her attention again. “I do. My age.”
“Men are having kids that are seventy.”
“They’re rock stars.”
She gave him that teasing smile, which held a twinkle in her eye. “You’re telling me that you’re not a rock star?”
“Ha, ha. You know what I mean.”
“It’s never too late to dream, and to find that dream, Jackson. You wouldn’t tell Bella to stop. I don’t see why you would do the same for yourself.” She reached for a cartoon of noodles and took a bite. “Wow, those are spicy,” she said, taking another mouthful. “They’re so good.” She twirled some on her fork, and held it out to him. He took the offered bite, and moaned. They really were flavorful and so good. “Told you.”
“Do you see yourself being married?” he asked.
“I don’t know. I see that there has to be a future, right? I can’t live my life pretending something wasn’t going to happen.” She sighed. “This is all depressing. Do people still get married really young?”
“I don’t know. I was young when I got married, and Alaric is going to propose to Bella.”
“Get out!” She placed her hands on the table. “Seriously?”
“Yes. You can’t tell Bella. She will know when the time is right.”
“I’m totally being the maid of honor.” Rebecca opened another pot that had some grilled chicken, and she took a bite. He loved watching her eat. She savored every bite, and the moans coming from her mouth made him think of other more delightful things.
“You really do love your food.”
“I do.” Her cheeks heated.
“Please don’t be worried by that. I like watching you eat. It’s good to see you eat.”
“I’m blushing right now.” She pressed her hands to her cheeks. “Sorry. I think food just means a great deal, you know. I made Bella some chocolate chip cookies, and she promised to be my friend for life. Food has a way of saying sorry, and being welcoming, and just everything that you can love about food, you know?”
“Speaking of love. Why don’t you tell me about how you’d like your dream kitchen in your restaurant or diner?” Work had already begun on the old café he had purchased. Ben had put a rush on it for him, and Jackson had gone out of his way to get the people in to do the work as fast as possible.
He gave her a little notebook to draw. She told him everything, designing it as best she could. The animated look on her face let him know he was doing the right thing.
After an hour, she was finished, and he had all the notes that he would need.
“Don’t I bore you?” she asked.
“Not at all. I love listening to you speak.”
“What are you going to do about that modeling place? Bella told me that you bought it for her?”
“Yeah, I’ve already got plans to give it to Alaric. I think he could do something better with it than I could. I’ve already spoken to the original owner, and she’s happy with what Alaric wants.”