Page 2 of Daughter's Best Friend
“Well I’m heating up some oil and a little butter ready for those onions. I find butter has a little more flavor, and I like it.”
She reached toward the chopping board, and, gathering up the vegetables, she dropped them in the pan, listening to them sizzle.
“Do you cook at home a lot?” he asked.
“Yeah, but I do more home cooking stuff. There’s no way I’m going to be making a jus or any of that stuff. Restaurant cooking can sometimes suck. I do like home cooking, though. I miss it.” Her father had given in to her demands to be a chef, but he had to put his stamp on it, so she had no choice in the matter but to open a restaurant that served cuisine that real people wouldn’t eat.
Her restaurant was just an extension of what her father wanted. He made sure all of his business dinners were at Rebecca’s, and of course he would make her come out, and speak with everyone. She hated it. She hated cooking stuff that she wouldn’t even eat herself.
“Do you even like your restaurant?” he asked.
She glanced over at him, and paused at how close he was.
He’s Bella’s father.
Don’t think about those lips, and how much you would love them to be between your thighs.
Licking her dry lips, she smiled. “Of course I love it.”
“And yet there’s no sparkle in your eye, and you’re closed. If I recall correctly, you once told Bella that you would never close your restaurant, and it would be open all the time, and people would come to eat your food, and to love it every single day.” He repeated the words that she had once spoken when she was eighteen, and had defied her father. It was the day of their graduation, and she had been so angry because her father had booked her a place in a fancy college, but all the time, she had made arrangements to go to a culinary school.
“Your memory is fine.”
“I’m right?”
She nodded. “Of course you are, Jackson. When have you ever been wrong?” Turning to look at him, she placed a hand on her hip. She hoped she was raising her brow as she smiled at him.
He was so close that she felt the heat of him.
Rebecca couldn’t help it. She licked her suddenly dry lips, and even as she fought it, she couldn’t help herself from glancing down, and checking out his lips.
Did he just growl?
She frowned, and glanced up at him, to find Jackson had stepped closer. The tips of his toes touched hers, and the tension in the room seemed to build. The soup was long forgotten as she looked up at the man who had been the star in many of her sexual fantasies.
His hand touched her hip, and she pressed against him, wanting his touch.
“Rebecca,” he said, that same growl to his voice.
Her pussy pulsed, and her clit seemed to throb. Pressing her thighs together, she tried to create some friction to help her deal with the sudden arousal that he had started. Biting her lip, she glanced up at him.
That was the moment her life changed forever, and all of her dreams suddenly became a reality. Jackson sank his fingers into her hair and slammed his lips down on hers.
Every woman probably believed the same thing when the man of their dreams kissed them.
Jackson knew he shouldn’t be kissing her. She was younger than he was, young enough to be his daughter. Fuck, she was his daughter’s best friend, but he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t resist kissing her. The way she had looked at him, and then licked those lips, which she’d then bitten, and all the time she had gazed at his lips. He was a man of experience, and after the death of his wife, he had screwed his way through every single woman that would look at him. They had wanted him, and he had given it to them without judgement.
Rebecca was too young.
She was his daughter’s best friend, and he had to stop.
Only, the moment his lips touched hers, he couldn’t. Her lips were nice and soft, and she didn’t fight him. She gripped his shoulders and held him tightly as ravished her mouth.
Years ago, he had known she had a crush on him, and he had done everything to avoid her. Young girls’ crushes weren’t something he wanted. But Rebecca was no longer a young girl. She was a woman, a confident, beautiful woman who put his little girl first.