Page 18 of Daughter's Best Friend
Where’s the harm?
Climbing out of the car, he made his way toward the restaurant. There was a blond man outside, just finishing a cigarette.
“How is she getting on, Oliver?” Bella asked.
“You know, Becca, she will drive everyone mad until it’s perfect, and then make us feel guilty for thinking about throttling her.”
Bella laughed. “So it’s going okay then.”
Entering the restaurant, he saw many of the tables had been moved to one side, and Rebecca was standing on a very tall ladder, pinning stars and love hearts to the ceiling.
“It’s supposed to be a night about magic, love, happily ever after, fairytales, and all of that. Please, make sure everyone can feel the love the moment they walk inside.”
“You’re going to make it look like love is vomited everywhere,” Oliver said, holding onto the ladder as another man left.
“Look, I know a lot of people think it’s corny, but romance is cool. It’s fun, and for one night of the year, we’re going to have that.”
“Do you need any help with anything?” Bella asked.
Rebecca looked down. Her smile grew wide when she saw Bella, with only a slight widening of her eyes, when she caught sight of him.
“My best buddy in the whole wide world. How is love treating you?” she asked.
“Love is treating me more than fine. Why didn’t you call to remind me?”
“I didn’t think you’d have the time.” Rebecca finished pinning the last of the hearts, and climbed down. She took Oliver’s hand as she stepped off the ladder.
Jackson didn’t like seeing another man touch her.
Rebecca didn’t linger, and she made her way toward them. “You want to help?”
“That’s why I’m here. I agreed to help, and look, I even dragged my dad along with me.”
“Hello, Jackson,” she said.
“Where can I help?” he asked.
She stared at him for a few seconds before talking. “We have plenty of hanging decorations if you’d like to do that. My poor thumb can’t handle any more pressing. I’m going to change the tablecloths for pink, and I’ve got little teddies with love hearts to put on the tables.”
“Don’t forget all those roses you ordered as well. They need to be set up,” Oliver said.
“Right, lots of work. Will you help Oliver?” she asked.
“Sure, love to.” He rolled up his sleeves, and followed Oliver.
“Do you want to hold the ladder or would you like me to?”
“I can do it.” He may be approaching fifty, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t work a ladder and fucking decorations for his woman.
He took hold of a streaming heart, and began to decorate the ceiling.
“So, how do you know Rebecca?” he asked.
“She’s my boss,” Oliver said. “I take it you know her because of Bella.”
“You know my girl?”
“Yep. She has been around here a lot. The two are very close.”