Page 14 of Daughter's Best Friend
Chapter Four
“What do you think?” Rebecca asked.
She was nervous about having him in her space. Yes, this was the apartment that she had fallen in love with. It was the place that she could afford without her parents chipping in, and she loved it. To Jackson though, what did he think? Did she seem like a rebellious kid? Independent? What?
Ugh, this was driving her crazy. She really didn’t know what to think about this damn space.
“This is totally you.”
“It’s smaller than Bella’s.”
“Bella likes a lot of space though.” He folded his arms. “Did you think I’d judge you?”
“I don’t know. My parents are wealthy, and maybe most kids don’t mind living off that wealth. I’ve always been a bit different.”
“I don’t think you’ve got anything to worry about. This is yours. I get it. You know, my parents were wealthy, not like I am, but they were well off. There’s something to be said about making your own way in the world.”
She smiled. “That was a damn good answer.”
“You’re tired.”
“I’m always tired. It’s fine.” There was so much she wanted to say. With anyone else, she would have blurted it out already.
Jackson wasn’t just anyone. He was the man she had been crushing over for years. Her girl crush, high school crush, young adult, new adult, and now adult. He had been the starring crush all of her life.
Just be yourself.
“So … we had sex.”
“We did, and I want to do it again.”
Her stomach flopped over. This was like every single girlhood dream rolled into one.
“You do?”
“Don’t you?”
Come on, Rebecca. You’re not a girl. You’re a woman, and this is what you want.
“I’ve been thinking about Bella,” she said. “We don’t know what this is or even where it will lead.”
“We don’t.”
“So, maybe for now, we wait, and we see where this leads, and then we decide what we do?” she asked, watching his reaction.
“Are you suggesting that we be secret fuck buddies?”
She licked her dry lips and stared down the length of his body. Arousal rushed through her, ridding her body of any tiredness. His cock had felt so good inside her.
“Yes. We use each other, and when we’re done, we part ways.”
“And if we don’t get done?” he asked, taking a step toward her.
“Then we reevaluate what we want.”
“So we’re fuck buddies.”
She nodded. “Yeah, I like the sound of that.”