Page 6 of She's Mine
Was it possible for this woman to blush any deeper?
“You were … busy.”
“Yeah, you did enjoy watching, didn’t you?”
She glanced up, and he got a chance to look into those deep brown eyes. They really were perfect as far as he was concerned.
“I don’t know what you mean,” she said.
“Don’t lie, Raven.”
“Yeah, well, from what I heard not much has changed.”
“How long have you been here?”
“A week. I started working for Cathy a few days ago.”
“How come you’re only just popping by the ranch?” he asked. Drew was used to the gossip about him. Usually it was the bitches who rode his cock that had the hardest things to say. He didn’t like the thought of Raven hearing shit like that, though.
Now that she had finally come back, those women weren’t even going to get a look in. Not now, not ever.
“I was handling the shop. I’ve been getting into the swing of things. Cathy was advertising for someone to take over this job so I’ll take over. I like working for her.”
He was about to say something else when Brice cut him short. “We’ve got to head back out if we want to finish this crap today.”
Drew didn’t want to leave.
“Here are your leftovers.”
“You never asked if I was settled down?” he asked.
“From what I heard you still jump from bed to bed. Besides, asking would mean I was interested. I’m not interested.”
Oh, he’d see about that.
“I’ll be seeing you soon, Raven.”
“Bye, Drew.”
He took the chili from her hand and made his way over to the truck. This was not over, not by a long shot, and there was no way he was ever going to let her get away.
“So, Cathy is meeting me at Bobby’s tonight. You want to come?” Brice fired up his truck, and Drew watched Raven until he couldn’t see her anymore.
“Get her to invite Raven.”
“You’re really serious about this shit? You want her that badly?”
“I have some unresolved issues when it comes to Raven.”
“Dude, the women around town already talk shit about you.”
“So, Raven, she’s not your usual sort.”
“Do I look like I’m just going to fuck Raven and send her on her way?”