Page 35 of She's Mine
Chapter Seven
A couple of months later
Drew pulled up to Bobby’s bar along with Brice. They were meeting the girls inside for some drinks. It was starting to get cold out, and along with it jobs at the ranch were much harder. The cold seeped into their bones, slowing them down. The last time he’d seen Raven had been at lunchtime. He missed her something fierce. Their relationship was strong as they spent every available minute with each other.
She’d been to see his mom, and Doreen adored her. When Raven had gone to the bathroom, his mother had promised him that his father would have loved her. He went to her parents’ place regularly for dinner. Clark no longer treated him like a hostile target that needed to be brought down.
They had also taken their relationship slow. He didn’t mind the slow. Taking his time, exploring her body was one of his favorite things to do. He loved her body. It was all pure, soft, and supple. When she was ready, he’d show her exactly how good it could be between them.
Raven never told him of any of the women giving her a hard time, which he didn’t like. He’d prefer for her to be open and honest with him. Cathy told him not to worry about it, and that she had Raven’s back.
Neither woman should be having to defend herself.
He hated being a cause for any of their upset.
Entering the bar with Brice behind him, he saw both women standing, with three men close to them. They were talking, and Raven was smiling, but he didn’t like it.
“How about we go somewhere quiet to continue this conversation,” the big guy said, reaching out as if to touch Raven.
Drew grabbed his hand before the fucker could even put a finger on his woman. “Don’t touch what doesn’t belong to you.”
“I don’t see a guy here claiming her. Besides, I heard she was free pussy.”
Raven gasped.
Drew saw the sneering look on the bastard’s face, and that was it. Seeing red, he slammed his fist against the bastard’s face.
“Take it out of my bar,” Bobby said.
“Drew, stop it.”
Brice got the door, and using all of his strength, he shoved the man out of the bar. He didn’t want to ruin Bobby’s bar, and he didn’t have enough money for any damages.
“What the fuck did you say?” Drew asked.
“Was told if I wanted some ass, I just had to come to this bar. Girl’s pretty, and I could use some action.”
Drew didn’t know him and could only assume he was passing through.
“A nice woman told me. She had a bit of class to her,” the guy said.
“Francine?” Raven asked.
Slamming his fist against the man’s face, he saw that Brice, along with another local, was holding the other men back. He wrapped his fingers around the man’s neck, holding him tightly. “You apologize to my woman. She’s mine, do you understand? You insulted what belongs to me, and that shit is not happening.”
“I’m sorry.”
“She didn’t hear you.”
Drew released his throat so that he could speak clearly.
“I’m sorry.”
“Get the fuck out of here,” Drew said. “You’re not welcome, and I suggest you be careful what strange women are offering.”
He watched as they scarpered away.
“They were just being nice,” Cathy said. “They offered to buy us a drink, but we declined. Then they started talking about being out on the road.”