Page 56 of Hurting You (Blackthorn Elite 3)
They encourage me to try anything and everything on, and even though I tell them I don’t want something, they make sure I get it simply by sliding their card at the checkout like it’s no big deal.
While Cameron and Easton are rough, dark, and scary, they’ve changed my life for the better. It feels like they’ve taken from me, and they have in many ways, but they’ve given to me too. After we shop, we share lunch together in the food court, and I even get Easton to smile, which is a very rare occurrence.
On the way out to the car, we pass a group of girls who glare at me and bat their lashes at the guys. I have no reason to feel jealous, but I do. It feels like Easton and Cameron are mine, and having those girls look at them, it enrages me.
I toss my bags into the back of the car and get into the backseat, Easton following behind me. On the way home, I tell myself that regardless of how things have been, my life has never been as good as it is right now. Grams is happy and taken care of, which is something I could never offer her if I was still working in the kitchen at the university.
“Do you think I could go and see Grams again soon?” I ask.
“We can arrange something, yes, but Cam or I will be with you during your visit.”
I shrug, “That’s fine, but just to warn you, you’ll be bored the entire time. Grams is either knitting or watching tv.”
Easton grins, “I like visiting with Grams, so I’m not bothered by that at all. Plus, it gives me a chance to make sure that the hospital is keeping up on their end of the bargain.”
“Which is what?” I counter, curious as to what he offered the hospital. I knew it was him and Cameron that had something to do with Grams’ treatment change, but I can’t pinpoint what it is that they would’ve said? Threatened them, maybe? Offered them money? The possible ways this could go are endless.
“Nothing you have to worry about,” Easton dismisses the topic, and I cross my arms, feeling like a child all over again.
“I’ll take you to see Grams this week,” Cameron announces from the front, saving the day and me from spiraling down a monstrous hole of emotions.
“Thank you,” I reply, feeling a little less upset by Easton’s dismissal. Though I’m not completely their equal, I’m being given everything I could ever want or need, and that’s worth being grateful for because the alternative could be way worse.
“Ever been drunk, princess?” I ask as we sit in Cameron’s bedroom. I just got back from classes, and Cam has been home all day cuddling, and doing god knows what with Stella. If he was anyone else, I’d be slaughtering him, but Cam is like a brother to me, and sharing with him is like breathing. It’s natural.
“Stop calling me that,” Stella lashes out with annoyance, “I’m not a princess. In fact, I’m far from one.”
Damn right.
I grin, seeing her get all worked up, “Okay, have you ever been drunk, Stella?” Her name rolls off my tongue thickly, and all I can think about is the things I could do with that tongue between her thighs. God, I have to stop thinking about that, or I’m going to have to fuck her before we leave.
“No,” she answers bashfully.
“This should be fun,” Cam snorts.
“What should be fun?” she asks, looking between us.
“We’re going to take you somewhere. To see if you can hang with the Blackthorn Elite,” Cam answers without giving her any other information.
Stella perks up, “Wait, we’re going to a party?” Even though she tries to hide it, I can see her excitement.
“We are, and in case you were wondering, yes, this is a test,” I narrow my gaze on her face, dropping slowly to her full, pink lips. I have this strange urge to kiss her, to taste her, to draw out her feelings, and see if they mirror my own.
“Of course, it is. What do I wear?” She blinks, breaking eye contact.
Cam smiles widely, “That little red cocktail dress we bought you the other day. Wear that.”
Stella’s face fills with horror, “No, it’s too short, and I already told you both that I would never wear that scrap of fabric out of the house.”
Crossing my arms over my chest, I can feel the anger rolling through me. Stella isn’t good at taking orders, but I don’t give a shit. She needs to learn to do what she’s fucking told. This is the precise reason we’re at loggerheads right now.
“I don’t remember asking you if you wanted to wear it.”
Sitting up a little straighter, she flickers her gaze between Cam and me before settling her gaze back on mine.