Page 49 of Hurting You (Blackthorn Elite 3)
It’s just the responsibility that always weighs down on me. The need to keep her safe, the worry that something might happen to her because I wasn’t there. This feeling is absent now, and I know who I have to thank for that. Thinking about them, I know I have to make sure they know where I am. Pulling out my phone, I pull up Cam’s number and send him a text telling him where I’m going and that I am still going to be home at eight as promised.
I walk into the coffee shop and get in line at the counter. Overwhelmed by the oversized menu, I’m not sure what to order, so I end up getting a coffee with cream and sugar. I dig around my wallet to find my emergency five dollar bill stuffed behind my ID. I usually don’t touch that unless it’s a true emergency, but lately, I’m in a constant state of emergency anyway, so I think a coffee will be just fine.
As I’m sitting down at a table near the window, Katie walks in. She waves at me and gets her own drink at the counter before coming to sit by me.
“Hey, girl, I’ve been worried about you,” is the first thing out of her mouth. I try and hide my puzzled expression from her.
“Hey. Why have you been worried?” I ask as she settles into the seat across from me.
She shrugs. “You left so suddenly the other night, and we didn’t hear from you again. Plus, you left with Cameron and Easton, and those two are known to be trouble.”
“Oh, really?” I pretend like I don’t have a clue what she’s talking about. “As you can see, I’m fine. Sorry to have worried you.”
“Are you still staying in that motel?”
“No… I’m staying… uhhh, somewhere else now.”
Katie nods, and purses her lips, “As long as it’s not with Cameron and Easton, I’ll be happy for you.”
A mixture of jealousy and anger swirls around in my stomach. Jealousy because Katie knows them, and I’m guessing it’s from the strip club and anger because of the way she talks about them. In my head, I know she is right, Cam and Easton are trouble, big huge trouble. Still, I know she’s just being a good friend and watching out for me, but I can’t help but feel protective about them, which is ridiculous if I think about it.
“So, where are you staying now?” She questions, and for some reason, it feels like I’m being interrogated. Why does she care so much about where I’m staying? Or if I’m hanging out with Cameron and Easton. It’s none of her business.
“Oh no, you are staying with them.” Horror fills her features.
“I am,” I admit, feeling ashamed, even though I shouldn’t. I don’t owe her an excuse.
“Why? How do you even know them?” My mouth pops open at her question. Crap, what am I going to tell her? I watched them kill someone in the alley behind the cafeteria? Somehow, I don’t think that’s going to fly.
“She used to work on campus,” a familiar voice interrupts, making my head snap up. My tongue feels heavy in my mouth when I see that Cameron is standing behind me, an angry scowl painted on his handsome face. Right now, he looks like the devil, and I’m seconds away from being banished to hell.
“Oh, hey, Cam,” Katie smiles, fakeness oozing from every pore on her body. “Are you going to join us for a coffee?”
“No, thanks. We’re leaving, now.” His words are clipped, and I don’t understand why he is so mad. I told him where I was going. Granted, I didn’t tell him who I was seeing, I don’t think that matters, so long as I’m not with any other men. “Come on, Stella.” He grabs me by the arm and pulls me up and onto my feet.
Confusion morphs into anger, and I feel like a small child being scolded. I chew the inside of my cheek to stop myself from lashing out. Without saying another word, he drags me out of the coffee shop and down the sidewalk.
The wind whips through my hair, and I dig my feet into the concrete in an effort to slow him down. I’ve never seen him so angry. His grasp tightens, and I wince, my wrist throbbing where he holds it.
“I didn’t do anything,” I growl once we finally reach the car. I’m still shocked to see him so angry. I don’t understand what I’ve done, and I’m tired of being quiet.
“Right now, would be a good fucking time for you to keep your mouth shut.” His tone of voice is frightening as he releases me and opens the door. His brown eyes which are usually filled with mischief or joy brim with burning rage.