Page 2 of Hurting You (Blackthorn Elite 3)
“Stay here, I’ll take care of this one,” brown-eyed guy states to his friend, and suddenly, I snap out of it. The trance he has on me is broken, and just when I thought I couldn’t get any more scared, he lunges for me. His long legs taking huge strides toward me. Shit. As if my brain is finally catching up with my body, knowing damn well if I don’t start moving, I’ll become just like that guy in the trunk, I unfreeze.
Without thought, I turn and bolt. I don’t know where I’m going, all I know is that I need to get away. My feet pound against the pavement, and my lungs burn as I force my legs to push me harder than they ever have before. I wish the ground would swallow me whole and take me away from this place and the guy who is about to take care of me.
Refusing to look back, I sprint through the dark night, hoping and praying that I’m fast enough to get away. Hoping for my life, and for my grandma’s life, that I can survive tonight.
Fucking shit! No one was supposed to be here. How did we not hear her coming? Like a mouse, she remained hidden watching us for god knows how long. Forcing my legs to go faster, I chase after the chick who just witnessed us throwing James’ dead body in Easton’s trunk.
Though her face was hidden in the shadows, I know she is young from the way she runs, the way her long silky blonde hair falls behind her, and the way her ass moves with every stride. I’ll bet she has a pretty face too, and soft lips.
Too bad I have to kill her now.
My dad might be the chief of police, but there is only so much he can do to keep me out of jail. I have to take care of this one myself, and that means I can’t leave a witness. I’ll have to make her disappear.
With each second, I close in on her. She might be fast, but I’m faster and stronger. Before I know it, I’m catching up with her. I can hear her breathing, each gasp entering her lungs. Once I’m directly behind her, I reach out my fingers circling her slim arm, pulling her backward, and into my chest. Like a banshee, she lets out the loudest shriek possible, so loud that, for a moment, my ears start to ring.
Struggling, she tries to pull away, but I just tighten my grip and fling her onto the grassy area beside us. Before she can get up, I climb on top of her, straddling her torso. Using my arm, I push my elbow to her throat and slap my free hand over her mouth.
I have to give it to her, she is a fighter, like a bucking bronco she struggles beneath me. Her nails rake out and cut across my arms, shoulders, and neck. She’s fighting as if I’m about to kill her. Then again, I guess that’s why I chased her down. She’s a tiny little thing, short, with not much meat on her bones.
Her nails sink deep into my forearm, and I let out a hiss between my teeth. Before she can do any real damage, I release her throat, and gather up her arms, tucking them between our bodies. Lowering myself onto her body, I immobilize her completely. For some reason, I get a thrill out of it. My cock hardens to steel in my jeans, and a rush of euphoric pleasure fills my veins.
With my face mere inches from hers, I brush some blonde strands of hair that are stuck to her clammy forehead away. She smells like fear, but beneath that, I catch a hint of vanilla, and something sweet. Like a curtain being pulled back, I get my first real good look at her.
Focusing my attention on her face, I stare blankly at her. Her eyes are wide, fear and terror pooling within them, while big fat tears fall from the corners. Even scared shitless, she is beautiful, absolutely stunning. I can’t quite make out the color of her eyes in the dim light, which only adds further to her appeal.
She is like a mystery to me. Pandora’s box. There is something about her, and I can’t quite put my finger on it. But whatever it is, it intrigues me. Dreadfully, I’m reminded that I won’t be able to explore my interest in her. Turns out we met at the wrong place, and the wrong time, and now I need to get rid of her, not figure her out.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make it quick. No pain,” I try to soothe her, but my words only frighten her more. Her lips quiver under my hand, and her whole body shakes, tremors of fear own her. She tries to say something, but her words are nothing more than a low mumble with my hand placed over her mouth.