Page 34 of Breaking You (Blackthorn Elite 2)
And just like that, she walks out, slamming the door shut behind her. It takes every shred of willpower I have to remain on the bed and not chase after her.
Remember, she did this to us. She chose someone else. She lied. She betrayed you. Like a sponge, I soak up every word, repeating them to myself over and over again until the need to go to her disappears.
The image of the bill from the abortion clinic is ingrained in my mind. It’s a never-ending nightmare, one that my heart refuses to let me forget. I can still feel the paper in my hand.
I’m staring at the medical bill, confused and angry. Harper’s name is written on the top of the paper, and right there in the center is the word abortion. I’ve read the thing three times, but the words still don’t quite make sense.
“I wanted you to know, son,” my father’s voice fills my ears, but I can’t hear him. All I can see is the betrayal right in front of me. I want to ask him why he would show me this, but I already know why. He’s hated Harper since the moment I showed interest in her, and this is just another thing to drive his point home.
I’ve defended her for years, to the ends of the Earth, but I can’t justify this.
She wanted to wait…
She wanted to wait…
All so she could go fuck someone else, and get pregnant with his bastard baby? Bitter rage fills my veins. I want to go to her, shake her to death, but instead, I crumple the paper in my hands, my fists clenching with rage.
I need her gone, need her to leave before I do something drastic. I can’t believe I trusted her, believed her. That I fucking waited for her.
“I’m sorry, Warren,” my father interrupts my thoughts.
“It’s fine. I expected this… And since I’m here, I wanted to tell you that I saw her mother stealing food from the pantry.” It isn’t a lie. I had seen her taking food from the pantry, but never cared to tell my father about it. Everyone needed to eat. That was before though. Before she took my heart and shattered it. Before she made me believe in her love. Before she betrayed me.
Father shakes his head, “Of course, she would be stealing. I’ll take care of this. I’ll get rid of her and her whoring daughter.”
The memory fades, but the pain remains.
Her betrayal is something I doubt I’ll ever forget. It feels like I’ve lost a loved one, and in a way, I guess I did. The girl I loved became nothing…in the blink of an eye.
Last night, I went home and straight to bed. If I had my way, I would still be curled up in that bed right now, but I can’t miss my classes, which is why I’m dragging myself to the coffee shop for some much-needed caffeine before heading to chemistry.
I slept terribly and not just because of what happened yesterday. It was the thought of someone breaking into my place again, that had me worried to close my eyes.
I keep telling myself that it was just some druggy looking for dope or money and that it won’t happen again, but that, of course, is a steaming load of crap. Anyone can break in again at any time. The doors on these apartments are a joke. I’m pretty sure I could kick them in. And if someone comes into my place, I’m completely screwed since my self-defense skills are non-existent.
When Warren first told me to stay at his house, I thought it was stupid, but now I wish I was still there with him… safe.
Ha, safe. I’m not safe with him or at my house, but being with him at night is the lesser of two evils. I might sorta hate Warren, but I know he wouldn’t hurt me like someone else might.
A familiar feeling washes over me at the thought of him, and right away, I know what it is. Dread. It’s the same one I felt when Warren left me kneeling in that bathroom. All over again, I’ve become the used and discarded girl I told myself I wouldn’t become again.
How could I be so stupid? Giving my virginity to him was supposed to be a good thing, but all it’s done is make me feel crummy.
Placing my order with the barista, I walk to the waiting area. My phone starts to ring, and I don’t want to look at it. I swear to god if it’s Warren, I’m going to toss the thing in the nearest trash can. When I see Valerie’s name flash across the screen instead, I’m relieved, but still, I second guess answering it. Every time I talk to her, she treats me like shit. I don’t need that right now. I really, really don’t.