Page 26 of Breaking You (Blackthorn Elite 2)
“Jesus, why are you being such a dick?” Cameron smirks as if knowing what he says is only going to piss his friend off more. Warren’s face tenses, his jaw turning to stone. He looks like he might explode from the anger alone or at least punch through the wall.
Being the bigger person and not wanting him to actually start a fistfight with his roommates over looking or talking to me, I do what he says and take a seat at the table. I turn away from the guys and look out of the window, which seems to calm Warren a little.
After a few moments, I sneak a glance over at Warren and notice the tense look in his eyes seems to be dissipating.
He scrambles eggs in a pan, not even paying his roommates a lick of attention.
“We’re gonna head out,” Cameron announces.
“Finally,” Warren mumbles, just as he places the eggs and some toast on a plate.
Easton winks at me as he walks out, and I give him a tiny wave goodbye when Warren isn’t looking.
Warren takes the seat next to me, placing a plate and a fork in front of me. I grab it and start eating after I mumble, “Thanks.”
We eat in silence until Warren gets up and gets us some orange juice from the fridge, handing it to me, he orders, “Drink.”
“Is that how it’s going to be now? You tell me what to do, and I do it?”
“Yes, I’m glad you finally get it.”
I can’t believe that he thinks this is going to work. Does he really think I’m going to let him treat me like this? Then again, what choice do I have? It’s this or lose my scholarship and a chance of a good life.
My head feels like it’s about to explode. I just need space and time to think, even if it’s just for a few hours. I need to be alone, away from him, and I will be. He can’t be with me every second of the day. The first chance I get, I’ll be gone. I need to go somewhere he won’t find me.
Where the fuck is she? I’ve looked everywhere, asked everybody I know, and called her phone a million times. Of course, it doesn’t matter how many times I call a phone that’s turned off, because not a single call is going through.
Pacing through my room, I contemplate my next move. One thing is for sure, I can’t stay here, I need to fucking find her. I’m going insane.
There is one place I haven’t been to, and I’m dreading finding her there. Easton told me he saw Harper at Night Shift, a local strip club. If I find her there, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t know if I can hold on to my sanity or my anger.
Bursting out of my room, I walk down the long hallway and end up at Easton’s door. I knock twice before he opens it, his black hair is wet, and he’s wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.
“Great, you just showered. Now get dressed, we’re going to Night Shift.”
“I was about to tell you to fuck off, but you had me at Night Shift. I could use some cheap pussy. I’ll be ready in five.” He closes the door in my face, and like an impatient child, I wait at the front door, checking the time every thirty seconds.
When he finally comes out after four and a half minutes, I huff loudly. The fucker grins at me while walking down the hall as if he is on a morning stroll. Twisting the knob so hard, I fear it might come off, I open the door and step outside.
Easton is right behind me as I get into the car and let the engine roar to life. He is barely inside before I pull out of the driveway.
“Why are you in such a hurry? The girls will be there all night, buddy.”
“I’m only going for one girl, and if she is there, well, I’m just telling you now, I’ll probably need you to bail me out of jail. That’s the only reason I’m taking you.”
“Ah, of course… Harper, right?” Even hearing her name out of someone else’s mouth enrages me. I know it’s completely irrational, but I can’t help it. It makes me want to slug Easton in the face more than usual.
“Yes, Harper,” I say through clenched teeth while gripping the steering wheel a little tighter. The place is across town, but since I break every speed limit on the way there, it only takes us a few minutes to arrive.
As I park under the pink and yellow neon sign, my blood pressure has reached a new high. I’m torn between wanting her to be here just so I know where she is and praying she’d never step a foot in this place at all.