Page 49 of Hating You (Blackthorn Elite 1)
Idiot. Thank fuck Willow was a virgin, so I know she doesn’t have shit. She’s pure, clean like fresh snow.
Grabbing my coffee, I walk outside and head for my car. On the drive to the pharmacy, I start to think of how this is all going to end. There isn’t any happily ever after for us. I can’t be with her. Not like I wanted to before.
She put my brother in prison or at least was the last nail in his coffin. I’d lose my father’s support, my trust fund, the company. My grip on the steering wheel tightens.
She’s the fucking enemy, you idiot. Stop thinking with your cock.
Pulling into the pharmacy parking lot, I run inside and grab the Plan B pill. The girl at the counter doesn’t even bat an eye at me as I pay for it. Though if I were a girl, there would be a rumor the size of Texas spread around Blackthorn before I even walked out of the store.
Checking my phone, I head to campus, realizing it’s now lunch, and my time to catch Willow in passing is slowly dwindling. I park in the student of deans’ spot and climb the steps to the mess hall. Everyone scurries out of my way, and as the cafeteria comes into view, the sound of silverware and dishes clanking together fill the space.
My gaze surveys the area and stops when I spot her dark hair and snow white skin. My chest rises and falls like I’ve just climbed ten flights of stairs, and my heart is rocketing against my ribs, threatening to escape from my chest.
In the corner of the cafeteria, she sits alone, a book open in front of her. Picking up the little triangle sandwich on her plate, she brings it to her lips to take a bite. No better time than now to make my presence known.
Waltzing over to her, I almost run over some guy in the process. He gives me a dirty look but doesn’t say shit, probably because he knows better. When I’m only a few feet away, she looks up. Our gazes collide, and a cosmic event takes place. Instead of taking a bite, she puts her food back down on her plate and gives me her full attention.
Pulling out the chair next to her, I sit down. “I don’t remember telling you it was okay to leave.” I know before she even opens her mouth that she’s full of piss and vinegar today. Maybe I hadn’t fucked her hard enough, after all?
“So, what? I’m supposed to stay at your house now? Like a prisoner?” Her eyes narrow.
I lift both shoulders in a shrug, “You are whatever I tell you to be.”
She shakes her head, and the lie rolls of her tongue so well if I didn’t know the truth, I might believe it, “I had an early class.”
Overcome with anger, I slam my fist onto the table, making her plate and silverware rattle and everybody within a ten-foot radius jump.
“Don’t fucking lie to me. All you do is lie. Lie. Lie. Lie. I have your fucking class schedule, or have you forgotten? I know you don’t have a class until four.”
Tossing her hands into the air, she growls, “What the hell did you expect, Parker? Did you want to wake up while I was cuddled up in your bed?”
Yes, that’s exactly what I wanted.
“I wasn’t done using you yet. I had plans for you this morning, and you ruined them.”
Rolling her eyes, she mumbles, “Sorry, I messed up your plans, I’m sore anyway.”
Does she think that would stop me? She should know better by now. Her pain is my pleasure.
“Your asshole isn’t.”
“I hate you.”
“So you keep telling me.”
“What do you want, Parker? I’m assuming you didn’t come all the way here to yell at me about ruining your morning.” Her expression is bored, but I know it’s a mask. How could she be bored when she was writhing beneath me yesterday.
“Actually, I did. But I also came because I fucked up yesterday, and regardless of how infuriating you are, I fix my mistakes.”
Confusion settles into her angelic features, “Don’t tell me you are actually apologizing because if you are, I’ll eat this plate with my sandwich.”
“Why would I apologize? I bought you this,” I say. Fishing the morning after pill out of my pocket, I throw it in her lap. Her gaze drops down to the box, and when she looks up at me, I see nothing but pure defiance reflecting back at me.
“I’m not taking that.” She throws the box back at me like a small child. I catch it in my hand, half denting the box as my temper rises to new heights.
“Why the fuck not?”
“Everything with hormones in it makes me sick. That’s why I’m not on the pill.”