Page 24 of Hating You (Blackthorn Elite 1)
“Yes, actually… I wanted to talk to you.”
He raises his eyebrows, looking thoroughly intrigued. “Yeah, is that so?”
“I wanted to apologize… ah for, kneeing you… you know in the…” I stumble over the words, and my stupid cheeks flame as if the sun is beating on them.
“Balls?” He finishes for me.
“Yes, for that.” Even though you deserved it, I add in my head.
For a long moment, he just looks at me, studying me like I’m a math problem to be solved.
“Your words mean nothing to me,” he blinks slowly, “however, you can come back to my place after class and show me how sorry you are.”
“I…” I should have known he would say something like this, I’m still a little shocked. I take my bottom lip between my teeth. I know better, every single cell in my body is going off, blinking with a bright red sign telling me what a bad idea that would be. But if it’s my only option, I can take this stupid mark off my back…
“Worried? Afraid?” He feeds right into my fear like he has a direct line to it.
Do I admit that I’m afraid, or do I just let him think whatever he wants? After what he did to me the other day, I doubt he cares about me being scared of him, or his friends, then again, he seems to be a little more composed now, less angry.
“If I do this, come to your house and do whatever… will you leave me alone afterward?”
Amusement flickers in his chocolate-brown depths, and I don’t know why I’m trying to make a deal with the devil. “No, Willow. I won’t ever leave you alone. Not as long as you are here at this school. I don’t care how many times you apologize, nothing is going to erase what you did. You destroyed my brother’s life with your lie. You destroyed mine.”
“I didn’t lie—” The words get cut off when Parker slams his fist on the table, making me, and the people sitting in front of us jump. The professor, who has already entered the classroom, glances over to us but doesn’t say a word. Reminding me once again that no one is going to stand up to Parker.
I have the urge to get up and run out of the class, to leave Parker behind, and find someone to talk to. Trouble is, I have no one. Even Alice has been distancing herself from me.
Ever since I told her about what happened, she’s been avoiding me, going as far as staying somewhere else overnight instead of in our shared dorm room. I’m alone in this, completely alone. I never should’ve come here. Never.
“That’s the problem with you, Bradford girls. All you do is lie and manipulate and…” Parker is reaching his boiling point, lips curled, and the edges of his face hardened, making him appear more like a brooding statue. He’s a bomb, and I’m watching, waiting for him to detonate.
“Look, I’m sorry, Parker… I didn’t…”
Anger pours out of him, and I shiver at the image before me as he leans in, his face mere inches from my own. I can smell the mint on his breath, feel his anger as it charges the air.
“Shut up. I don’t want to hear you speak, or even breathe. As long as you remain here, you will be mine. I thought I made that clear the other day, or do I need to remind you again?”
I shake my head without even thinking. Being humiliated by him once was enough, but to go through it again. No, I won’t survive another incident like that. I’m already tired of being his punching bag. His nostrils flare, and his gaze hardens further. My own aggravation mixes with fear, and I realize then that I’m doing exactly what he told me to. Sinking further in my seat, I open my books up and face the front of the room, pretending like he’s not there at all.
“Good girl, now maybe later I’ll reward you. Or maybe I’ll punish you. Just remember to be seen and not heard.” And like a fucking dog who has just done a trick, he pats me on the head and settles into the seat beside me. I don’t know how I do it, but somehow, I manage to bite my tongue. As class goes on, doubt starts to build in my gut. When will I learn? When will I realize that no matter what I say to him, no matter what proof I have against Brett, he will never believe me? In his eyes, Ashton and I are to blame and not his brother. Forget apologizing to him. I’m done. I’ll just lay low from here on out.
I almost laugh at the thought. Like he’s going to let that happen. No, Parker is out to terrorize me, to hurt me. The professor starts class, and the temperature in the room grows hotter and hotter. Sitting this close makes it impossible to ignore him. His spicy scent, every little twitch of his jaw, or bulge of his bicep. I notice it all. Feel it all. Deep down in my core.