Page 14 of Hating You (Blackthorn Elite 1)
“A blow job, hmmm? That’s what you want?” She lets her fingers trail down my chest, and I wonder if she can feel how fast my heart is beating. I can’t believe she is fucking okay with this. I’m shocked, flabbergasted. I figured she would be running the other way as fast as she could. Now that she’s making a move on me, I feel like the tables have turned.
Like I’m the prey, and she is the predator.
“Would you let me stay at this school with you if I suck your dick?”
“It would be a start,” I shrug, as her hand trails down, and down, and when she looks up at me with them fuck me eyes, I swear, I nearly come unhinged.
“Okay…” She whispers, her fingers grazing my cock and the pre-cum that beads at the tip. For a split second, I close my eyes, giving in to the feeling, the desire. I’ve wanted this for so long. Every chick I’ve ever fucked, I’ve envisioned to be her, and now that something is happening, it’s almost as if it’s a dream.
With my defenses down, Willow takes that moment to pull her hand away, and before I can open my eyes all the way to ask her if she’s changed her mind, she jams her knee into my balls. The force of the blow sends me to my knees in an instant. Black spots form over my vision, and my stomach churns, acid rising up my throat.
Anger as hot as the fucking sun vibrates through my veins, and I grit my teeth, trying everything I can to push through the pain.
“Don’t ever threaten me again, asshole. I’m not like everyone else, I’m not going to do what you want just because you say so. You can try to hurt me all you want, but I promise you, I won’t break easily,” she yells, and before I can get my tongue to work or my vision to focus on her, I hear her scampering out of the room.
“You bitch!” I slam my fist onto the ground, and seethe into the empty room, hoping maybe she has heard me. Fuck. She’ll pay for this. I’m done. I’m not going to just scare her anymore. I’m going to be the nightmare she fucking knows I can be.
Run, Willow, run as fast as you can….
My feet pound against the pavement, the intensity of each step jarring my bones. Oh, god. I shouldn’t have done that. I really shouldn’t have done it. Air rushes into my lungs as I suck in a deep breath and sprint down the sidewalk and back to the dorm.
I know I’m not safe, not even there, but I do know one thing. Parker won’t do anything in public. He isn’t that stupid. But that doesn’t mean he won’t be able to come after me, find me in a dark corner of the campus, or just break into my room again.
I’m so screwed. I never should’ve let him get to me. All I did was feed right into his hate. I’m so disappointed in myself. Taking the steps two at a time, I run up them and down the hall, my key card already in hand. Sweat beads my brow as I swipe the thing with shaking fingers, surprised when it actually opens on the first try. Thank God.
Stepping inside quickly, I slam the door shut behind me and twist the lock into place before slumping against it. Like some flimsy lock is going to protect me? Pfft, I’m stupid. Black strands stick to my face, and when I hear a creak, I lift my eyes in the direction of the noise.
“What’s wrong with you?” Alice’s voice pierces through the air, and my already strained heart starts to thump out of rhythm again. Holding a hand against my chest, I press my palm to my sternum, as if my touch there could somehow calm the erratic beat.
“Sorry, I didn’t see you there,” I answer breathlessly.
Alice’s brow furrows, and she frowns deeply, “Are you okay?”
“Yes… no, no, I’m not okay,” I whine. Dragging my feet, I walk over to her bed and flop down next to her. “I’m so screwed, Alice. I really messed up this time.”
Alice looks horror-stricken, “Oh, god, what happened? Did you sleep with someone’s boyfriend? Hit on one of the hot, professors? Please say it was the second. I don’t know that I could handle a scandal as big as—”
Interrupting her before she goes on a tirade, I say, “What? No! No, I didn’t sleep with anyone’s boyfriend or a teacher.”
She visibly sighs, her eyes losing some of the surprise that mirrored in them, “Okay, spill the beans then. What did you do?”
Sucking in a panicked breath, I try and think about where I should start.
Peering down at me curiously, Alice waits while I try and catch my breath.