Page 4 of His Gift
A second later, Drake, the man who brought me here, appears in the doorway. It takes everything in me to not start shaking with fear.
“Miles, have you decided if she is worth what I owe you?” Drake asks nervously as soon as he re-enters the room. The man named Miles gives me a final once over, his eyes gliding over each inch of exposed flesh, inspecting my body as if he is trying to decide if I’m worthy or not.
“I guess she’ll do,” he finally says.
His condescending voice rains down like acid and the pain accompanying it sinks deep into my bones. I don’t know why I’m hurt by this man’s words as I don’t even know him but I am. Still, I’m glad he is keeping me because even if Miles is terrifying, and dangerous, something tells me that Drake is a worse kind of evil.
Without warning, Miles pushes to his feet, taking me with him as he does. Lifting me like I weigh nothing, he cradles me to his chest and starts to walk out of the room.
“Drake, leave the money you brought,” Miles orders before flicking his gaze back to the huge giant towering behind Drake. “Nick, count the money twice. If there is one single dollar missing… kill him.” Miles doesn’t even blink as he says kill him and that fact turns the blood in my veins to ice. If he can so easily kill someone, what is stopping him from killing me?
Lifting my face from Miles’s shirt just enough to look around the room, I sneak a peek at Drake, who abruptly pales at his words. My mind is still foggy, and I’m still unsure of how I got here, but I can’t bring myself to feel bad for Drake.
Quickly and without another word, Miles walks out of the room, holding me tightly to him. My arms are folded across my chest, covering my boobs, but my vagina is exposed in the worst way, especially with the way he is holding me. Feeling the cool air between my folds, all I want to do is find the biggest blanket in the world and cover myself up.
Letting my tongue dart out over my dry bottom lip, I consider asking him for some clothes. I hate feeling so exposed and vulnerable, but when I peek up at his rugged face, the words lodge themselves in my throat. Looking straight ahead, he reminds me of a soldier on a mission. His eyes are drawn together, and his jaw is set in a tight line that doesn’t really give away what he’s thinking. He just looks angry and mean, like he’s on the warpath, and all I can hope is that it’s not going to be a war with me.
Because I am certain that I wouldn’t survive that. Letting my gaze fall down to my chest, I tell myself that wherever he takes me, whatever he is going to do to me, I need to find a way out of this. The first chance I get, I’m going to escape, it’s my only hope.
Without turning the light on, I don’t hesitate as I walk up the steps. I know this place by heart, every step, door, and hall. I don’t need any type of light to know where I’m going, but above all, I don’t want anyone to see her, my timid little Rose, naked… not anyone but me.
Cradling her to my chest, I step out the back door and into the alley where my SUV is parked. Reaching the car, I set her down on her bare feet just long enough to unlock the door. She lets out a soft whimper of displeasure, but I pick her up again and place her on the leather seat before she can complain further.
I do my best to avoid looking at her pussy because I’m already hard as a rock, wanting to sink deep inside her virginal cunt. Shoving the thoughts away, I walk around my car quickly, unbuttoning my shirt. As I reach the driver’s side door, I shrug out of it, uncaring of the cold air that meets my heated skin. I can handle the cold, but Rose is fragile, and the simplest things can hurt her.
As soon as I’m in the driver’s seat, I drape my shirt over her shoulders. She glances up at me briefly, confusion in her big, blue eyes, almost like she doesn’t understand why I’m offering her my shirt. Did she expect me to keep her naked? Tied up like a prisoner? I have to remind myself of how I must look to her. Big. Scary. Mean.
I know for a fact that she doesn’t understand why I acted like I did in front of my men. All she sees is this big guy, with scars on his face, who just took her as a debt paid, talking about killing. Fuck me. How am I going to make her understand that I won’t hurt her, especially with the huge fucking boner I’m sporting right now?