Page 55 of Deadly Obsession (The Obsession Duet 2)
When I get to the edge of the makeshift parking lot, I take out the key fob and hit the unlock button. Like a beacon in the dark, headlights start to flash a few rows down, and I weave through the cars to get to them.
I climb into the luxury car and push the key into the ignition with a shaking hand. It turns, and the car roars to life. I buckle up quickly before putting the car in drive and pulling out of the spot.
Heading for the main gate, I let possible scenarios of the next ten minutes run through my mind. If everything goes according to plan, the guards will just wave me through, thinking that I’m Alberto. If they see that it’s not him and try to stop me, I will hit the gas and hope for the best. Worst case scenario, they shoot at the car and kill me… I don’t want to think about that. No, that’s not going to happen. I will make it out of here.
I approach the gate, and as hoped, as soon as they see the car, one of them motions to open the gate. It isn’t until I’m only a few feet away that he can look into the windshield and realize that it’s not Alberto driving the car.
Pushing my foot down all the way, the engine revs up, and the car jolts to the front. Both guards pull their guns just as I speed past them. I hear the shots; I feel something hitting the car, but I keep driving. My eyes are wide open, I don’t think I even blinked the last few minutes. My blood pumps through my veins furiously as the car accelerates even further. I look down at the speedometer, which reads ninety-eight miles per hour. This is the fastest I’ve ever driven, but it’s still not fast enough.
Looking in the rearview mirror, I don’t see anyone following me yet. I caught them by surprise. Good. That gives me a head start. I have no doubt that they will come after me.
I don’t take my foot off the pedal. All I can think about is getting away.
I will get away. I will be free, and I will be back in Zane’s arms.
Looking up, I squint my eyes at the bright neon letters reading Nightshift. I don’t know how exactly I ended up here, or why I’m here at all. Sure as hell, isn’t because of the naked women dancing on the stage. Even after Dove ripped my heart out and trampled it, she is still the only one for me. I can’t even think of another woman.
Maybe because it’s the only place I know I can keep drinking without getting jumped by Christian’s guys. They wouldn’t dare set a foot into Damon Rossi’s strip club.
My head is swimming, my mind clouded from the enormous amount of alcohol I’ve already consumed. Still, I want more. I want to drown myself in it just to make the pain go away.
Stepping inside, the smell of cigars, expensive liquor, and cheap perfume hits me. I’m barely inside when a half-naked woman greets me with fuck me eyes and pouty lips.
“Not interested,” I slur, brushing her off before pushing past her. She says something, but I ignore her, heading straight to the bar instead. I take a seat and wave the waitress over. Quickly, I realize that I saw her last time I was here.
“Here to see Damon again?” she yells over the music.
“Not today. Just pour me a whiskey.”
“Whiskey coming right up,” she chirps, way to happily for my taste. It’s almost like she enjoys working here. Who the fuck likes working in a strip club?
A few moments later, I have a large glass of amber liquid shoved in front of me. I murmur a thanks before I grab the glass and bring it to my libs. Taking a huge gulp, I let the alcohol burn down my throat, enjoying the way the warmth spreads out through my insides when it settles in my stomach.
My vision is already blurry as I look around. My gaze catches on two men on the other side of the bar. They’re watching one of the strippers doing her dance routine on stage with hungry eyes. A little bit too hungry for an innocent show like this.
When the song is over, and the girl walks off the stage after collecting her money off the ground, the two guys look like they’re about to jump her. She gives them a smile as she walks by, and that seems to be enough of an invite for them to grab her and pull her between them.
Even with the music blaring over the speakers loudly, I can hear her squeal in surprise, followed by her asking them to let her go. Her resistance doesn’t seem to bother either of the guys, since they just move in closer, caging her in between their bodies.