Page 36 of Deadly Obsession (The Obsession Duet 2)
Tossing the paperback down on the mattress, I climb out of bed and exit the room. Since our attempted escape, Matteo has posted more guards near our bedroom and throughout the house. Almost as if he thinks we’re stupid enough to try again. I haven’t told Zane yet, and I don’t know if I’m going to, but I plan to be the one to get us out of this mess.
And the easiest person to start with is the one who holds all the power: my father. Meandering down the hall, I pass a couple of guards who are posted there. They give me apprehensive looks, but don’t say anything as I continue on my merry way.
Walking down the grand staircase, I run my hands along the banister. The polished wood is so shiny, I can almost see myself in it, and I wonder briefly how long the maids spend cleaning this place? Reaching the last step, I continue my exploration of the house and head into the dining area. Yet another clean room. Huffing, I walk in the direction of Matteo’s office.
A sour film coats my mouth, and it feels like I’m betraying Zane by seeking Matteo out. There isn’t any way around it. If I want to convince him that I’m on his side, that I’ll follow his orders, I’m going to have to act like I give a shit about him and what he says.
Tiptoeing down the hall, I grow closer to his office. Matteo’s voice filters out into the hall through the partly open door. He must be on the phone with someone.
“Make sure the product is as he said and only call me if you have a problem!” The finality in his words makes me shiver. A man like Matteo has no cares, no compassion or heart. All he sees his people as—including me—are pieces on a chessboard, little does he know, he’s going to become my pawn. Curling my hand into a fist, I gently lift it and bring it to the door, knocking twice before letting my hand fall back down to my side.
“Come in,” he grumbles, and I force a stoic mask onto my face. Be strong. Look the part.
Exhaling, I walk into his office. His beady eyes flick from annoyance to shock while motioning me into the room. I take slow, hesitant steps, remembering how I told him I hated him and would never be his daughter. Look at me now, buttering up the enemy, like he didn’t arrange to have the shit beat out of the man I love the other night.
“What can I do for you, my daughter?” I do my best not to look as out of my element as I truly feel.
“I want to learn more about you and the family business.”
Chuckling, he leans back in his chair, a brief second passes, where neither of us says a thing. Then his lips part, and he asks, “You’re serious?”
“You said I’m your only heir and that I should prepare to take over the family business, so here I am.”
The chair squeaks as he leans forward, placing his elbows on the desk, clasping his hands together. “You expect me to believe that you want something to do with me after what you told me in the basement?”
I shrug. “When you hurt people I care about, you should expect me to lash out. I was hurt and understandably so, but I’ve come to the conclusion that you aren’t ever going to let me go so I might as well stop fighting the inevitable. It’s time I stepped up to the plate. You want me to marry soon and produce grandchildren. This business will be mine someday, and I have a right to know all the ins and outs.”
The apprehension in his face tells me he doesn’t believe me. A smile creeps onto his lips, and I swallow thickly, unsure if I can follow through with this.
Staring me in the eyes, he says, “I’m a lot of things, sweetheart, but I’m not an idiot. We can play pretend if you want, till you decide to get on the horse and ride, just know that I’m in control of everything and everyone in this house.”
“I’m here and willing, now will you answer my questions and help me get to know you and the family better or should I try and escape again?” It’s either the stupidest or smartest thing I’ve ever said.
Matteo’s face becomes a blank canvas, and I try and hide the slight tremble of my body. Zane isn’t here to save me this time, and talking like this is only going to help dig my grave. After a long second, he finally speaks.
“You know what will happen if you try and escape again, now come sit, and you can ask your questions.”