Page 2 of Deadly Obsession (The Obsession Duet 2)
Following the exit signs, I slam my foot against the gas pedal and drive out onto the street. The sound of a car horn pierces my ears, but I don’t pay the driver any attention. I’m on a mission. Determined. I don’t need directions to the Castro estate. As soon as Christian told me about his rivalry with them, I started keeping tabs on the family. Figuring out their schedules, where they live, how they spend their money and time.
Going to them might get me killed, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take if there is even a chance that I’ll be able to save Dove. I’ll make any deal; kill anyone they want. There is nothing that I won’t do, no one I won’t hurt. I have to get her back. I have to save her.
No matter what happens to me, I have to make sure she survives. She is all that matters to me. If she dies, then I die.
The wound in my side pulses with its own heartbeat as I drive through the city and to the town over. My insides twist and twist until there is nothing but a knot of fear in my belly when I arrive at the gate of the Castro mansion. There is a twelve-foot wrought iron fence surrounding the place, and the fact that I’m going to have to haul my ass over that fence to get inside is not a welcoming feeling. My side is already screaming at me, might as well plunge a knife into the wound. Staring up at the fence, I cook up a plan, one that has a fifty percent chance of getting me killed. Walking up to the fence and ordering them to let me in isn’t an option.
I’m going to need to cause a scene, force Matteo Castro to see me face to face. Driving a ways down the road, I pull off on a side road and stash the car in the trees. If they haven’t spotted me on the security cameras yet, I’ll be shocked as hell. Hobbling down the road, I force myself into a steady jog. The air outside is cold, and when it clashes with my heated skin, I shiver. I feel weak, so fucking weak, but I have to do this.
I need someone in my corner, and since Christian wants to go to war, I guess I’ll be the one to bring it to his door. But first, I need to get Matteo on my side.
Reaching the edge of the fence on the property line, I gaze up at the mountain I’m going to have to climb. Exhaustion coats my insides, and I have to force myself to continue forward. Think of Dove. Off in the distance, something catches my eye. Not something, someone. Two men are headed right toward me. Beefy, muscled, and with guns strapped across their chests.
I’m in no position to fight. Hopefully, they don’t kill me, because fuck, would that be a shit way for this to end.
“Either you have a death wish, or you have a fucking death wish.” One of the men sneers when he gets closer. The fence is still between us, but I know that won’t save me. If they wanted to kill me right now, they could.
“I need to speak to Matteo,” I grit out.
The same guy who spoke moments ago lets out a bemused chuckle. “You need to speak to Matteo? Sorry, buddy, but that’s not how this works. If the boss wants to see you, you’ll know. Now get the fuck out of here.” He makes a shoo motion with his hands, and if I wasn’t in so much fucking pain, I’d grin.
My gun sits heavily in the waistband of my jeans, and I know as soon as I reach for it, they’re going to shoot me. It’s a risk I have to take though. Shooting one of them will definitely get me to Matteo. Dead or alive? Not sure.
Moving with agility I didn’t even know was possible, I grab my gun and aim it at the guy that laughed at me.
“No hard feelings,” I grunt as I pull the trigger. At the same time, his friend pulls a gun and shoots. The bullet rips through my shoulder and into the tender tissue. How much more blood can I lose before I die? My skin stings where the bullet lodges itself inside, and I stagger backward, my knees shaking. I can feel the ground coming into view. Who knew that the mighty would fall so hard? After all I’ve done, everything is crumbling to the ground. The man always killing and ending lives has finally been caught by karma.
Landing on the ground with a hard thud, all I can do is look up at the sky.
“Idiot,” The guy who shot me growls as he walks over, his face coming into view. The toe of his boot collides with my ribcage and pain ricochets through my body. Fuck. “You got your wish. Looks like you’ll be leaving via a body bag, after all.”