Page 34 of Mail Order Bride: A Psychological Thriller
Chapter Twenty-One
Journal Entry
Author Unknown
Chad Hensley died with an ice pick through his brain, and rumor has it that the woman he was supposed to marry found him.
The paramedics arrived within minutes, but it was too late. Chad was already gone. The ice pick was still lodged in his brain, through his right ear, even though the girl tried to pull it out. Rumor has it, anyway. Not too bright, that girl, but the circumstances of their “relationship” were rather shady, so maybe that was the best he could do.
The detectives arrived an hour later. They questioned everyone who was at the party, but no one had seen anything. The only clues they had were the ice pick and the empty vodka bottle next to Chad's body.
The detectives sifted through Chad's belongings, hoping to find clues to his murder. They found his suitcase, which was full of old clothes, dirty underwear, empty beer bottles, even more empty vodka bottles, and a dirty magazine. But that was it. There were no clues to what happened. The case may never go cold, seeing that Chad is a senator's son, but the situation is enough of a stain on the family's reputation that they don't press the issue too hard.
It's not easy having an addict son with a penchant for blow and prostitutes when you're supposed to be a pillar of the community. Threatening and blackmailing women is also not very becoming, even if you do run with the old money crowd.
Who knows? Maybe I did them a favor. Good riddance, and all.