Page 95 of Blood Union (Dark Witch Chronicles 3)
“Then tell everyone you love them.”
Ridley reaches forward and grabs my arm, and before I can protest, he’s dematerializing and rematerializing—with me—right on the porch.
All eyes turn to me.
Tarnley grins.
I glare at Rainey then take a deep breath and face the crowd. “Um, hey everyone. I’m not entirely sure I’m qualified to be making this speech, but here we are.”
The massive army beyond remains silent.
“For those of you—” I yell, and my father snaps his fingers so my voice grows louder, almost as though I’m speaking through a megaphone, “—who don’t know me, I’m Bronywyn Walsh.” I clear my throat as I search for words to portray just how grateful I am that all of these men and women showed up. “For centuries, the councils have steadily grown further and further away from their original purpose. They were here to help us, to shield us from the human world, and keep the factions at peace.” I glance down at Tarnley. “For a long time, we believed that being together and at peace was not possible. After all, we’re far too different, right?”
Murmurs spread for just a moment as the supernaturals talk amongst themselves. “It wasn’t until a certain siren opened her club, and a certain vampire opened his pub, that even I realized how good we could all be if we simply put our differences aside and sought the common ground we all share. We gained friendships between the factions, felt love,” I add, looking to Tarnley once again. “Happiness. Completion. And the councils are threatened by our common ground because keeping us separate means retaining control. After all, if you stand alone, you’re more likely to be afraid of their threats. If you stand alone, you are more likely to believe their lies because no one is there to show you a different way.”
More murmurs, this time, louder.
“I know you’ve already agreed to stand with us—that you’re willing to risk your lives for what you believe in—and I’m not going to ask any more of you. No. That’s not true.” I shake my head and close my eyes as my throat burns with emotion. “I’m going to ask you to remain strong, even when the world is telling you you’re weak. I’m going to ask that once this dust settles, you continue standing up for the greater good because, no matter what takes the place of the current councils, power remaining unchecked is power that is dangerous. We must always remain together. Witches, vampires, shifters, hunters, succubae—the title doesn’t matter because we all want the same thing. Love. Friendship. Freedom. Those three things are our common ground, so as long as we stay true to that, as long as we stay true to who we are, we cannot lose.”
Cheers erupt before me, and Ridley sniffles. “We knew you could do it.”
I grin over at him, then glance back at Tarnley. He’s clapping as is everyone else, and their joy—their infectious belief—gives me even more hope.