Page 67 of Blood Union (Dark Witch Chronicles 3)
“It’s still not enough,” Odette snarls from behind the safety of the fae line.
“Sure as hell seems to have you worried,” Rainey calls out.
“What are you waiting for?” The old witch screeches to her followers. “Kill them!”
To describe what happens next as pure chaos doesn’t even begin to cover it. Our new army charges the council’s line. Sheelin’s fae disappear, reappearing behind our line, but our fae are fast, too.
Metal clashes. Tarnley blurs out of sight while Delaney stays on the porch, blasting our enemies from a safe distance for her and the baby, all while Gloria stays within reach.
A vampire blurs forward, straight toward her. I throw up a magic barrier—he slams into it then whirls on me, snarling as he bares his fangs. “You will be—” He doesn’t even get the chance to finish his sentence.
I close my fist on air, and his throat caves in. He falls to the ground, and the magic I used to crush him fades away. I rush forward, blade at the ready.
A massive bear roars, barreling toward me. I fling both hands but, unfortunately, am not fast enough. His hairy body slams into me, knocking the air from my lungs as I hit the ground and slide back right into the porch railing.
He’s on me within seconds—or would have been if he hadn’t been hit with a massive energy ball. I glance up at Magnolia, who’s standing at the edge of the porch, hair wild, eyes wide. “You okay?”
“Thanks, kid.”
She nods frantically then glances over and sends another energy ball into the crowd. As I jump to my feet, I scan the crowd for the one bitch I really want to see—I find her standing toward the edge, right beside Sheelin.
All around me, the grunting begins to fade away as I realize my sole purpose is to kill the bitch. I run toward her, blasting anyone who gets in my way. Sheelin sees me coming, though. With a grin, she disappears, so I come to a stop, not wanting to be caught off guard.
“Want to play?”
I whirl around at the sound of her voice, but she’s gone.
“Got to move faster than that if you’re going to catch me,” she whispers in my ear.
I spin again, but once more, she’s nowhere to be found. Pain in my shoulder splinters my attention, and I raise both hands, erecting a barrier around me so I can check the wound. There’s no weapon, though the massive gash sears my body, while blood drips down my arm, falling to the dirt in a steady flow of crimson.
“You’re so slow.”
I whirl on her, and Sheelin doesn’t bother to dematerialize this time. She stands behind me, blood-tipped blade in hand, a savage grin on her face. “Shall we? Though, to be honest, I don’t think it’s going to be much of a fight.”
“Then how about we leave powers out of it?” I suggest, reaching behind to withdraw the blade strapped at my back.
Sheelin grins. “Hand-to-hand, huh? I thought you witches were seriously lacking in those capabilities?”
“I’m not just a witch,” I tell her.
Sheelin unsheathes her short sword but keeps it aimed down. “Let’s see what you’ve got then, not-just-a-witch.”
I hold my ground, side-stepping in my own bubble, smack dab in the middle of a war.
She does the same, matching each one of my steps.
“You wanting to dance?” I taunt. “Because I have to admit, I’m a shit partner.”
Sheelin charges, blade out. My own blocks her blow, though, and I slam my free fist into her gut. She grunts, but I don’t give her time to recover; dropping down, I sweep my leg. She slips backward, so I jump up, charging her with my blade held in the arm that is not currently burning.
Sheelin blocks it moments before her fist connects with my jaw. Pain radiates through my face, but I do my best not to pay it any attention. There will be plenty of time to nurse wounds once the fighting is over.
At least, there will be if we survive.
I drop my good shoulder and slam into her middle, knocking us both backward. Spinning around, I trap her between my thighs and bang the hilt of my blade on her wrist until she drops the blade in her hand.