Page 55 of Blood Union (Dark Witch Chronicles 3)
“You were friends with Tarnley for centuries, were you not?”
“Yes, but—”
“And had you not bonded to him twenty years ago, do you think you would have seen him for more than a friend?”
I consider his question, running through all the different possibilities. “Honestly? I wish I’d had a chance to tell him how much I cared for him before we bonded. I really think if I’d told him before then, everything we both felt would have been easier to handle.”
“Really. I was so dismissive of it—of him—because it meant opening myself up and risking getting hurt all over again. I was so sure his feelings were only because of the bond; I had no idea he felt anything differently before then.”
“You are kidding me,”
“I’m not.”
“I’ve seen the way he looks at you. From the moment we all met, I called the two of you.”
Feeling lighter now, I laugh. “You did not.”
“I did. I had a private bet going with myself. Ridley and I put money on it.”
“Are you serious?”
“I won.”
“What did he bet on?”
“That you both were far too stubborn to give in. So, thanks for my thousand dollars.”
“You’re welcome.”
We stare back out into the evening, and I let his words about living in the moment settle in around me. “Thanks for pushing me to talk.”
“Anytime. I love being pushy. Just ask Rainey.” He jumps to his feet and reaches down to offer me a hand.
I accept and stand beside him.
“Now, go talk to your mate before he kills all the coffee cups in the house.”
I don’t have a chance to ask him what he means before he’s ushering me inside. Taking the steps quickly, I head upstairs. Tarnley is sitting in bed, a book in his hands, blankets pooled at his waist. He glances up at me.
“You okay?”
“I’m sorry.” I blurt it out, and before I can take another step, he’s coming to a stop before me. He reaches forward and cups my cheek, rubbing the pad of his thumb over my skin.
“For what?”
“Not talking to you. Shutting down. I didn’t know how to process everything.”
“Your mother?”
I nod. “But not just her. My father coming back into my life, his revelations, shit, it’s all so unbelievable.”
“You’ve been forced to face a lot these days.”
“But so have you, and I should have been more open.”
He drops his hand. “Truthfully, I assumed you were still pissed about me going into the succubus hive.”