Page 47 of Blood Union (Dark Witch Chronicles 3)
“I’m glad I showed up in time. I’d heard word they were going to be targeted.”
“You just so happened to hear word of humans being put on a hit list?” Rainey’s eyes narrow on him. “Convenient.”
“It was. Though, it wasn’t out of circumstance since I’ve been actively seeking out any information I can find.”
“How did you hear about it?”
He shifts his attention back to Bronywyn. “I have a contact, someone inside the council. They told me.”
She glares at him. “Isn’t that interesting.”
“The same contact let me know there may be a dark fae lurking around Billings.” He crosses both arms. “Know anything about that?”
“Care to share?”
The mistrust she feels toward her father is clear; so potent, in fact, that I’m willing to bet he senses it.
He sighs. “Fine, but one day you will learn to trust me. Until then, I’ll let my actions speak for themselves.” He straightens. “May I come out with you tonight?”
“What makes you think we’re going out?” Bronywyn questions.
“I’m assuming you don’t cosplay on a regular basis, though if I’m wrong, I do apologize. Don’t mean to offend your hobby. Strange as it is.”
Bronywyn opens her mouth to respond but is cut off when Rainey snorts. “You can come. But if you get in my way, I’m going to put a bullet in you.”
“You are the hunter. The Astor.”
“One of them, yes.”
He smiles. “Very well.” Moving out of the way, he gestures for us to leave the house. “I guess I shouldn’t start the evening in your way.”
She doesn’t bother to spare him another glance as she passes, though she does add, “Guess you’re not as dumb as you look.”
I glance over at Bronywyn, who is less than pleased with our new tagalong. Honestly, though? I think it’s good for her to be around one living parent. Especially given she hasn’t been the same ever since the dark fae pretended to be her mother.
“Are you okay?” I ask, already knowing she likely won’t respond with the truth and still hoping she will.
Unfortunately, that hope is quick to burn out. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”
* * *
The driveto town is short with our caravan arriving outside my pub within twenty minutes. The night is heavy around us, the moon nearly completely blocked by clouds.
Rainey turns her face up to the sky. “Looks like it’s going to rain tonight.”
“Then let’s get this over with and get back before we end up soaked.” Bronywyn pulls the hood of her sweater up over her now-red hair. “Break off into teams, call if anything weird happens?”
“Sounds great.”
“Hang on.” Fearghas grips Clarance’s arm.
The warlock glares back at the fae, their similar height putting them on the same level. “Is there a problem?” Magic snaps in the air, orange power blazing up both of Clarance’s forearms.
Fearghas doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by the warlock’s underlying threat. “I’m assuming the councils know what you look like.”
“You’d be right.”