Page 116 of Blood Union (Dark Witch Chronicles 3)
“I was bored.”
“You swore she would be okay!” Harrie screams as he cradles her.
“She should have stayed away, and she would have been.”
Paloma’s eyes widen a moment before her face falls slack. Pain rips through me, and I rush forward, blade drawn,
Our entire group follows suit, all of us jumping headfirst into a fight we thought we were prepared for.
Odette grins at me as I beeline straight for her, blinders going up for everyone else. She flings an energy ball my way, so I slide to my knees, coming up right before her. Blade up, I slice out, catching her forearm. Blood saturates her white suit as she blasts me back with a hit that sears my shoulder.
I’m back on my feet within seconds, though, my own adrenaline pushing the pain out of my mind for now. “Where is he?” I demand, as I fling an orb of light at her. She blocks it—barely.
I throw another. Then another. Willing to drain myself if it means this bitch can no longer draw breath.
“Dead by now,” she replies.
Pain, anger, and grief all well up inside, momentarily putting everything else out of my mind. As I stand there, heartbeats pass, though they feel like hours. I search for the bond, but it remains strained. No change, and I’m not familiar enough with the mate bond to know what that means.
Is it possible that he is already dead?
After everything we’ve been through.
All the heartache.
Time spent apart.
I really thought a happily ever after was in the cards.
“Poor, poor vampire. Should have done a little research into your family first. Then he would have known the shit luck you all have when it comes to love. You and your father are both walking disasters,” she sneers. “Though, if it makes you feel any better, he didn’t beg. Not like your whore of a mother did.”
All sounds disappear.
And soon, it’s just me and Odette in this room. The two of us alone. But only one will walk out.
I rush forward, blade in my left hand, magic swirling in my right. I sling power at her, hit after hit, blasting her as she blocks the ones she can and fields the others. Pain singes my chest as one of her blows lands.
Even through it all, I grin because I know something she doesn’t.
Most witches are shit at hand-to-hand. Sliding to my knees, I slice out with my blade again, this time aiming lower. I sever the tendon in her right leg, and she falls forward, screaming.
Not wasting any time, I spin around and cut the other. She goes down like a load of heavy fucking bricks.
“Bronywyn!” I glance up just in time to see a man rushing forward, short sword drawn.
I throw up my hand and hit him with a blast of energy so strong it sends him flying backward, into the group. He hits the far wall with a heavy thud, denting it before sliding to the ground.
Standing, I hover over the top of the witch. She raises a hand, but I slam my foot down on her wrist. Bones crack, and she cries out. But the bitch tries again, her left hand coming up.
Before I can react, though, Elijah’s heavy boot stomps down, and Odette screams. Tears stream down her wrinkled cheeks. “You’ll never find them,” she sneers. “Not until the bodies begin to smell, and by then, it will be too late.”
“They’re nearby, then?” I ask.
She doesn’t say anything, just glares up at me.
“We got a location!” Walker calls out.
Elijah and I both turn as the psychic pushes through the fighting and throws Paloma’s wounded husband at our feet. Elijah rushes forward and grabs the shifter, slamming him into the wall. “Where are they?”