Page 89 of Blood Bond (Dark Witch Chronicles 2)
“You better watch your fucking mouth,” Rainey growls, shifting the barrel of her weapon to Odette.
I’m frozen. All the things I wanted to say disappearing in the face of my anger.
“I thought you retired,” I finally manage.
She grins at me. “I was—incapacitated for a time. As I told your friends when I went to them.”
“And tried to convince them to do your dirty work?” I snap. The restrains on my magic begin to snap, one by one, and power wraps around my entire body, sending my hair flying around my face.
“You were a threat that needed to be neutralized. They were friends close to you, seemed the best ones to eliminate you.”
“Except they didn’t.”
She turns toward Rainey. “Except they didn’t,” she repeats. “Which is no longer a problem seeing as how you’re all here.” She glances up at the councilman. “Elliot, shall we not postpone proceedings any longer?”
“We shall not.” He turns toward us. “You are all hereby under arrest for violations of The Accords. Your sentence will fit the crimes and shall be considered and carried out accordingly.”
“What? You all caught up?” I call out, hoping like hell I can buy Fearghas a little more time to find Ridley.
Odette grins at me. “If you’re buying time for a fae rescue party, I’m afraid you’re a tad late.”
My chest tightens painfully as a chill runs up my spine. “What the hell did you do?”
“You’ll see soon enough. I’m sure he will be more than happy to see you.”
Tarnley turns to me. “Remember plan B?” he asks.
I nod and turn toward Delaney. She offers a curt nod as do the others in our group. “Let’s do it.”
She and I step forward while the others fall back—reluctantly. Meeting Odette’s murderous gaze, I reach for my magic, pulling it forward as Delaney does the same with hers. Soon, violet sparks at my fingertips and green on hers. We throw up both palms, putting a barrier between the council and us—Walker included.
Magic roars around us, a tidal wave of power separating our group from theirs. Though it does nothing about the vampires, hunters, and shifters I sense closing in behind us. As much as I hate to think it, that shadow magic would have come in damn handy right about now. The ability to decimate every one of our enemies, turning them into nothing but ash was a handy trick. And my cloak? It would have absolutely helped right about now. Unfortunately, the shadow magic took that right along with it.
“Tell him to stay back!” Delaney throws over her shoulder.
“I tried,” Cole calls out. “He’s still insisting!”
Odette smiles savagely and calls out, “If you’re referring to your other fae friend, the one who can no longer dematerialize, he’s got his own welcome party waiting. I, for one, certainly cannot wait to meet him.”
“Cole!” Delaney calls out.
“On it!” he yells.
I turnmy full attention to the scene in front of us as witches and warlocks—Chasin included—step forward, coming to stand in front of the council members. Odette slips into the background, and I focus all of my anger, my rage, on the man I foolishly considered an ally once upon a time.
I’d always known he was a snake, but this? This is beyond anything I ever thought him capable of.
“Do you really think you can stand against us?” Chasin calls out.
“If I go down, I’m taking your ass with me,” I say.
Metal clashes behind me, but I don’t dare turn around. Not even when I hear a wolf growl. Or when Rainey’s firearm goes off.
One shot.