Page 24 of Blood Bond (Dark Witch Chronicles 2)
“It is not without risk,” Ridley replies flatly as he turns to me. “You could become trapped in her memory, nothing but a conscious part of her subconscious.”
“Say that ten times fast,” Rainey snaps as she plops down in a chair.
“But it could work?” My decision is an easy one. I will do anything for her. Anything to bring her back, even if it means giving up my body and soul.
“It could work,” Fearghas says. “We’d need some Siab Root.”
“What is that?”
“It only grows in Faerie,” he tells me.
“Can you get some?” I ask Ridley.
While he looks less than pleased at the idea of risking himself again, he nods. “I’m pretty sure my brother has some on hand. Bastard is always prepared.”
“Keep your family drama out of this,” Fearghas warns. “Matter of fact, you better take me with you. Last thing we need is you and Rafferty killing each other.”
“Hold the fucking phone.” Rainey pushes to her feet. “Rafferty is your brother?”
“I didn’t realize you knew him.”
“I don’t. But Delaney does. He rescued her and Bronywyn from Lucy when Fearghas’s super friendly sister imprisoned them in Faerie.”
“We owe him a lot,” Delaney adds sadly.
“Isn’t it a small world?” Ridley’s tone betrays a lack of feeling toward his brother that honestly makes me wonder how much we can actually trust him. So far, other than being focused on keeping himself safe over all else, he hasn’t let us down. But from what I’ve heard of Rafferty, what he’s done for us, honor is something he takes quite seriously. So, what is it that could have put the brothers at such odds?
Then again, Fearghas chose not to speak to his own mother for seven centuries over a flower. Given that knowledge, it’s more than likely Rafferty and Ridley are at odds over something just as ludicrous. “Please bring the root back,” I tell them. “And quickly.”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. Round trip to Faerie, coming right up.” Ridley grips Fearghas’s shoulder, and they disappear.
“I’m not a super fan of Ridley, but if he comes through for us, I might actually offer to share my Skittles next time he asks.” Rainey plops back down in her seat and rubs both hands over her face.
Bronywyn stirs, and power surges through the room once more.
“Dammit.” Jumping to her feet, Rainey rushes across the room and grabs the pre-filled vial. Then, she injects it directly into the artery in Bronywyn’s neck, and she falls still once again.
“Anyone know how much more of that she can take?” Elijah questions.
“Playing it by ear,” Rainey says sadly as she drops the syringe into the needle bin. “But I can’t imagine we can do much more of it.”
“I’m going to go check in on Cole. Let him know what’s going on.” Delaney slips from the room.
Elijah steps up and wraps an arm around Rainey’s shoulders. “We’ll get her out of there.”
“I know what it’s like,” she whispers, “to be a prisoner of your own mind.” Rainey swallows hard. “Bronywyn and I never really got along, but I still respect the hell out of her, and the idea that she’s suffering in that way…” Closing her eyes, Rainey shakes her head as though she’s attempting to erase the memories. “At least, she’s here, and not out murdering people.”
“Fearghas and Ridley will be back with the root,” I voice as much for my own benefit as hers. “And then I’ll go in and pull her out.”
She glances up at me, chocolate eyes full of fear. “And if we lose you, too?”
“I won’t survive without her, Rainey. So really, there’s more of a risk if I don’t go in.”
We fall into silence, the only sound coming from the heart monitor hooked up to the woman between us. Minutes tick by until Elijah clears his throat.
“Let’s go grab some food. Want some?”
I nod. “Thanks.”