Page 116 of Blood Bond (Dark Witch Chronicles 2)
Ridley’s mouth quirks in the corner. “You have the tact of a bull in a china shop.”
“Don’t see much of a point in beating around the bush and saving feelings. You either accept the truth, or I want no contact.” She turns in a slow circle. “Guess we’re moving in. Quite the circle we’ve made here.”
“We’ll go find the kitchen. Do you think you can manage some groceries?” she asks Ridley, who nods.
“I’ll be back in a bit.” He disappears from view, and Deissy yawns.
“I need to get back to the pack.” Willa heads for the door.
“We’ll join you,” Harrie says as he and Paloma follow her.
“Do you think that’s such a good idea?” Delaney questions.
Willa pauses for a heartbeat before turning to her. “I have people counting on me, Delaney. Family. Friends who have not yet been killed due to this war that you all brought me into.”
“That we brought you into?”
“What the hell else would you call it?” she asks. “My father joined in because of you. Jack died because he trusted you.”
Rainey opens her mouth, but Cole interrupts. “Josiah intervened because it was the right thing to do. Jack died a hero because he couldn’t stand a world run by Lucy. You may be angry over what happened—hell, you have every right in the world to be—just make sure you place that blame where it is deserved and not on Delaney.”
Willa glares at him. “I don’t just blame Delaney, Cole.”
“The councils are going to kill anyone who does not follow their rules, just as they have been for centuries. How many wolves do you think have been killed at their hands? How many witches? Hunters? Vampires?”
“They are not my concern,” Willa deadpans. “But my pack is, and I won’t lose anyone else. I told you that I would ask them, give them a chance to volunteer, but that doesn’t make me a part of this little group of yours, and I sure as hell don’t want to remain in a house where the woman who killed my mate lived.”
“Part of being a good leader is making difficult decisions,” Elijah says softly. “Just be sure you’re making them for the right reasons. Going back to your pack now could prove dangerous to them if the council has someone keeping an eye on the place. At least, wait until Ridley is back and can dematerialize you directly inside a cabin.”
She’s quiet a moment before nodding. “Fine.”
Deissy looks from Felix to me then moves in close. “Who was Jack?”
“Her mate,” Bronywyn replies, sadly. “A hunter. Lucy killed him.”
“Fuck,” Felix groans and rubs a hand over the back of his neck. “No wonder she’s pissed.”
Thanks to her shifter hearing, Willa winces, and I know she’s heard every single thing we’ve said. So, I add, “He was a good man, and he is the only reason Rainey is standing here today.”
“Delaney, can you help me get some wards up?” Bronywyn asks.
“Sure thing.” She glances over at Magnolia, who still looks like she might fall over.
“Wards are straining for the first time,” Bronywyn says sadly, her gaze following Delaney’s. “I remember the first time I put them up. I was down for a month.”
“I’m learning that,” Delaney jokes.
“You’ve also got more magic in your pinky finger than I do in my whole body.”
“True, but I’m still not entirely sure that’s such a good thing.”
The two women head for the front door, and Bronywyn throws a small smile my way before they disappear outside.
“You feeling okay?” Deissy asks.
“Thanks to you.”
“It was nothing. You’ve saved me twice.”