Page 104 of Blood Bond (Dark Witch Chronicles 2)
Feeling completely useless, I walk forward just as he closes his eyes. “Walker?” I press my fingers to his pulse as Winnie runs in with Elijah and Ridley. “He needs to get to St. Vincent’s hospital now. Basement.”
I grab his hand while Ridley lifts him. The ground disappears beneath me for a heartbeat, but by the next, we’re standing in the dimly lit basement of the hospital. Rachel is just moving into the room with a gurney when we arrive. Dressed in her white coat, dark hair pulled back, she’s all business. “What do we have here?”
I glance up at Ridley, but he’s staring at Rachel as though she has three heads.
“She’s human.”
“Yes,” Rachel retorts. “And if she doesn’t get your friend upstairs, he’s going to die.”
That snaps him out of whatever stupor he’d been in. Quickly, he sets Walker down then disappears.
“What the hell was that?” she asks as we push Walker’s gurney toward the elevator.”
“A fae. I’ll fill you in later.”
“Great. What happened to this guy?”
“Immortals beat the shit out of him.”
“I gathered as much. When?”
We move inside, and Rachel presses a button on the panel, my gaze trained on Walker, I don’t bother to note which one. “Yesterday and today.”
She glances at me, noticing my bruises and limp for the first time. “You’re not in such great shape, either.”
“I’ll be fine. I’m already healing. Focus on him.”
“You’ve got it. I’m assuming you triedeverything?”
“Vampire blood did not work,” I tell her.
“Shit. That certainly makes things more complicated.” The elevator dings as the doors open, and we rush out onto the trauma floor. People stare, but I pay them very little attention as we turn the corner and head into a room. As soon as she gets the gurney up near him, we each grab a side of the sheet he’s lying on and lift, moving him over to the bed.
Three nurses wearing blue scrubs rush in, and I step into the background as Rachel gives orders and they get to work. Still unconscious, Walker lies there unmoving, face pale. I wrap both arms around myself and stare blankly ahead.
Rachel steps into view. “We’re going to take him down for scans. You are sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine. Honest.”
The door opens, and Tarnley rushes in with Rainey. “How is he?”
“We’re taking him for some scans. We’ll let you know as soon as we know something.”
The moment Rachel and the nurses are out of the room, Rainey whirls on me. “How are humans going to help him?”
“Rachel knows what we are,” I tell her. “She and a man by the name of Dirk have helped me out when injuries need more modern care. I may be able to help with most problems, but high-level surgery is not my thing.”
“Oh.” Her anger deflates, and I get a glimpse of a completely unguarded Rainey Astor—a rare sight to be sure. “How did they find out?”
“Rachel found me after a bad car accident a few years back.”
Tarnley whirls on me. “What? When?”
“Five years or so? It was right after she’d graduated from school. She was on her way to the hospital for her first official day of residency, and I was bleeding on the side of the road. She caught me using magic to get the car off me, and it was either let her in on my secret or have to watch her mentally implode over what she saw. She saved my life, so I went with the former.”
“Why the hell didn’t I know about it?”