Page 88 of Blood Magic (Dark Witch Chronicles 1)
The overwhelming scent of lavender fills my lungs as Chasin and I stroll into the Witch’s Brew, a supernatural club catering to—you guessed it—witches. Warlocks, too, but since they’re rare, I see none other than the man currently walking beside me.
Dim lighting gives the place more of a lounge feel, as do the leather chairs arranged around circular tables. It’s not overly busy in here with a dozen or so witches scattered around the place with another two women working the bar ahead of us.
The farther we move into the place, the more gazes shift our direction, and the more unsure I become of my plan. If I’m going to take over the council and keep the city safe, I need witches to have my back.
I’ll replace the councils that have failed us more times than I can count over the last few months and make sure that Billings is a city that remains safe foreveryone.
We need no one,the voice whispers.Kill them all, and make those you spare fear you.
I shake my head.
“You good, beautiful?” Chasin questions, and I nod.
“Just a bit of a migraine starting.”
He reaches around and wraps an arm around my waist, tugging me closer. The moment our bodies meet, relief floods me, my muscles relaxing and the budding headache subsiding. “Better?”
“What are you doing to me?”
“It’s magic, love,” he whispers in my ear. The closeness makes me uncomfortable, so I shove away just as we reach the long walnut bar.
“What can I get you two?” the woman asks, her dark eyes greedily raking over my companion.
“I, for one, would love a lavender tea. What about you, love?”
“Nothing, thanks. Who’s in charge here?”
Chasin chuckles. “You’ll have to excuse my friend here; she’s all work and no play.”
The woman flashes a sultry smile his way. “No trouble at all, handsome. I’ll go grab her.” With a wink, she turns and disappears through a doorway just behind her.
“Haven’t you ever heard the saying you’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar?”
“Powerful witches hardly equate to flies,” I retort. “Besides, I don’t have time for niceties.”
“Always in such a rush. You know, if you let me break that bond, you’d have all the time in the world.”
I glare at him. “I’ve already told you where I stand on that.”
He clicks his tongue. “So much power you’re wasting.”
Magic surges through my body. “You want to try and take it from me?”
Chasin arches an eyebrow. “We’re friends, Bronywyn. My concern for you is strictly professional, I assure you.”
Before he can reply, the bartender re-appears, followed by a tall, slender woman walking behind her. I don’t instantly recognize her, and given her stark white hair and bright green eyes, I can’t imagine I would have forgotten her had we met before.
“What can I do for you?” Her voice, deep and raspy, sets off warning bells in my head, but I ignore them.
“You run this place?”
“I do.”