Page 29 of Blood Magic (Dark Witch Chronicles 1)
He opens his mouth to respond, but his phone goes off, interrupting our conversation. I know it’s for the best; there’s literally no world where this goes his way. Even with the new information, the proven knowledge of the corruption, I meant what I said.
This is so, so much bigger than us.
“It’s time to go.” He shoves his phone back into his pocket. “If you do this, Bronywyn, we immediately get that magic out of you as soon as Lucy is down. You might be okay risking your life, your soul, but I’m sure as fuck not.” Turning on his heel, he heads out toward the elevator doors, and I follow, grabbing my sweatshirt on the way out.
Silence carries us down to the bottom floor where we’ll climb into his car and make our way over to the auction. The weight of what’s to come holds me down—fear’s iron grasp wrapped around my ankle.
“I’ll take care of you,”the darkness whispers.“Let me handle Lucy, and I’ll show you just how unstoppable we’ll be together.”
I shake my head, trying desperately to silence the voice. Mainly because I’m pretty damn sure that if I started yelling at myself, Tarnley would throw me over his shoulder and blur me to another country entirely.
As we’re stepping off the elevator, though, I slam into Tarnley’s back, unprepared for him to come to a complete stop just inside the lobby. “What—” The moment I get a glimpse at what’s on the other side of him, power surges to the surface as anger replaces my annoyance.
Three dead humans lie on the floor, their throats ripped open. Across from us, over a dozen vamps stand, glaring at Tarnley.
“Handy little thing, those tunnels of yours,” a man says, gesturing to a door off to the right.
“You killed them,” Tarnley growls. “Why?”
“You killed one of mine.”
“So, you thought taking out three humans was the way to get back at me? Too fucking cowardly to face me yourself, then?” he growls.
The other vampire smiles, blood dripping from his teeth and falling to the floor. “I needed a little snack.” His red eyes shift to me. “What do we have here? No wonder you didn’t care about the shifter in your bar. You’re fucking another faction altogether.” Clicking his tongue, he lets his gaze travel up and down my body. “Can’t really say I blame you, though.” Pressing his lips together, he makes a smacking noise at me, and I shove past Tarnley.
“You’re barking up the wrong fucking tree, asshat.”
He glances around at the other vampires before throwing his head back and laughing. “You’ve got a dirty mouth, witch whore. Dirty mouths belong around a cock.” Grabbing his crotch, he squeezes, eliciting a growl from Tarnley. “I’m happy to give you one to fill that hole.”
“You’re going to want to watch your fucking mouth.”
“Or what? There are fourteen of us and two of you. Even with your witch whore, you’re no match.”
The magic purrs to me, urging me to beckon it forward. I can feel it slithering along my skin like a tingling awareness that these assholes have no idea who they’re dealing with.
Use me,it pleads.Let me show you what we can do together.
The vampire raises his hand and presses two fingers together, pre-snap. “For example, with the simple snap of my fingers, your little whore over there can have her throat ripped out.”
Movement out of the corner of my eye catches my attention, and I put my hand out to wrap my fingers around the throat of a vampire who thought to sneak up on me. The magic is so fucking satisfying that I drink it in, the power overwhelming me.
Yesss,it purrs.
“You really should pick on someone more your size,” I whisper. Puckering my lips, I blow, and the vamp’s neck snaps. Grinning, I drop him, and his body slams to the floor.
“You bitch!”
“We don’t have time for this.” I rush forward and throw up both hands, letting all the power inside me sing through my body. It pours out of me, out of every pore, slamming into the bodies of the vampires.
Yes! Yes! See! So much power!the voice all but screams in my head, and for the first time, I’m not afraid.
Because I see just how right the shadow magic is. With this kind of power, no one will ever harm another person I care about.
Not ever again. I can make the city safe; keep those I love happy so they can live their lives in peace.
No more dead mates.
No more loss of life for those they care for.