Page 71 of Cursed Fae (Fae War Chronicles 2)
It’s been a long time since I’ve lain on the grass and let the sunlight warm my face. Mainly because, back in my world, I was already running super-hot and the only thing I could think of is getting inside where there was air conditioning.
Damn, I missed the feeling.
Rafferty left fairly early this morning after Fin came to grab him. He’d been pissed to leave, and the ring around his eyes has expanded yet again. My concern for him is growing more and more each day as I watch him struggle to keep a hold on the light in him.
Countless times over the past two days, I’ve asked him if what we’re doing is too much of a risk, but he insists that it’s under control. That he is fine.
But each night, he is more and more detached.
And while I don’t mind rough hands and passionate sex, I also don’t want to gain those by sacrificing Rafferty’s goodness. Especially when I know he’ll need to cling to that good once I’m gone.
The bond with Taranus is more present now, a constant ache in my chest that won’t subside, no matter what I’m doing. Sleep is more difficult to come by, which isn’t an issue when said lack of sleep hours are filled with Rafferty.
But I can feel myself slipping away, and soon, I’ll be gone.
And he’ll be here—the future king of Faerie even if he can’t bring himself to believe it. He just cannot see what I do. What all the fae here see. For a man to have seen such horror and still maintain the good in his soul is impressive. Rafferty may see himself as a damned man—he’s told me as much. But I see nothing but the good in him. The honor he maintains even in the hardest circumstances.
Even now, he’s put Taranus to the side and is trying to find a way to seal the Veil. Ever since Rina told us she couldn’t do anything about it, he’s been scouring all of Faerie for any witches who might have remained behind. Apparently, they have the power to ward the tears, preventing anything from going in or coming out.
Or, at least, he hopes he can find one who does.
“Ember?” I crack open an eye to see Bea standing beside me. Her body blocks the sun, casting a shadow over me.
“It’s time to go in now, dear. Stay out here much longer, and you’ll turn red as a rose.”
I offer her a smile and sit up, then she helps me to my feet and wraps an arm around my waist. Together, we make our way back into my tent and over to the tub, which is already full of water.
As she always does, Bea has dressed my bath with petals and lavender oil. Where I used to be embarrassed, now, I have no second thoughts about allowing Bea to help me undress. It’s second nature, though it does get rather awkward when she studies my frame and smiles.
“You’ve put on some weight, girl. No longer skin and bones.”
“That’s what happens when you feed me every hour.”
Her cheeks flush as she helps me into the bath. “I’m just happy you’re eating.” She pats my shoulder. “I’ll be back to check on you in a bit.”
“Thanks, Bea.” Closing my eyes, I lean back as the warm water soothes my aching body. For whatever reason, my mind drifts back to that first bath in Faerie when I’d foolishly believed all of this was nothing more than hallucinations caused by the fever steadily heating my brain.
And yet, here I still am, clinging to this life as long as my heart will beat.
Soft footsteps move closer, and I glance back as Rafferty crosses the distance. His body is soaking wet, water dripping down every hard plane of his muscled chest. His eyes are darker now, his lips pressed in a flat line. And then my gaze drops to the fresh bandage on his forearm. How many more times can he flay himself open like that? “What is it? What happened?”
“Crossed paths with a few pissed-off Oillipheist’s,” he replies. “Nothing we couldn’t handle. Was covered in blood, so I washed off in a river.”
“Shit, Rafferty, I’m sorry.”
He doesn’t respond, just removes his sword and places it on the rack near the bed. Then, he crosses over and takes a seat on the floor beside the tub. “How was your day?”
“Not too bad,” I reply with a soft smile. It’s forced, though, and I think he can see it.
“I’m fine, Ember.”
“Are you sure? You look—troubled.”
“It’s not easy, but I’m managing.”