Page 68 of Cursed Fae (Fae War Chronicles 2)
“We found her just outside the camp. She’d been bitten and was weak but still her. When we got up this morning—” Fin sighs and runs a hand over his hair. “We went to find you, to bring you both home but you were already gone. We thought you two dead as well.”
“Because we’d sought safety when we realized no one was coming.” Looking back to Paulina, my stomach churns. Is that what awaited us had Falcon not found us in that tree? “I didn’t realize that the bite of a damned soul would condemn yours as well,” I tell him. “I—” Guilt weighs on me, and Ember sniffles. I cannot see her face given that she’s on my back, but I can imagine.
She’s blaming herself.
The need to take her away from this horrific sight overwhelms me, so I back out and into the sun.
“We tried to put her out of her misery,” Fin tells me. “But nothing worked.”
“Damned souls cannot be killed.”
“That’s what Tommie said.”
Shit.“How is Tommie?”
“He and Paulina were close,” Fin tells me. “Though I believe it’s more her current state that is troubling him. He wants to help her, and there’s nothing we can do.”
“I need to see to Ember, then I will come find you.”
He nods and turns away, heading back toward the tent where we left Paulina.
As quickly as I can, I cross the distance and walk into our tent. After placing Ember on the bed, I cover her legs with blankets and take a seat on the edge of the bed. Tears stream down her face.
“Poor Paulina.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“How can you say that?” she demands. “Had I not pushed to be taken out, she never would have gone.”
“She could have dematerialized right back here. She likely did. Which means what happened to her had nothing to do with our trip.” I reach forward and stroke her cheek, but the pulse of dark energy that churns my stomach has me withdrawing my hand. “What happened is a tragedy, but it is not your fault.”
Ember closes her eyes and leans back as a stray tear disappears into her hair. “I’m tired.”
“I’ll let you rest.” I pull back and leave her inside. When I get back out, I’m grateful to see a guard has already been placed just outside the tent.
Fin raises his hand, so I jog over to where he waits. “Did any scouts go into the woods?”
He nods. “No damned souls nearby, no creatures of any kind, really. If they were nearby when she was bitten, they’re long gone by now. Honestly, I’m guessing she wasn’t close by when she was attacked. Paulina liked going out by herself. Said it helped quiet her nerves.”
“Where were you two?”
“Ended up staying with pixies.”
Fin’s brows shoot up. “Pixies? As in buggerish little pests?”
“Not so much pests as it turns out.”
“Color me shocked.”
I smile despite the unease in my gut. If she was turned with a simple bite, we’re in more trouble than I thought. Especially given the numbers that could have poured from the Veil ever since it ruptured.
There’s no telling how many we’re up against.
And with no way to kill them—
“Contemplating murder again?”